0. Flavor neutrinos as unstable particles: an interaction picture viewid:2406.05158:id在线阅读
M. Blasone, F. Giacosa, L. Smaldone, G. Torrieri
This paper reviews the similarities in the behavior of unstable particles and oscillating neutrinos using perturbation theory within the interaction picture of quantum field theory. We begin by examining how decaying systems are studied in the interaction picture and then demonstrate how similar calculations can be performed to determine the transition probabilities for flavor oscillations. Notably, the expressions for neutrino oscillations and particle decays are identical in the short-time range. Furthermore, we show that the flavor oscillation formula derived through this method matches, within the adopted approximation, the one obtained using the flavor Fock space approach.

1. Oscillations of Majorana neutrinos in supernova and CP violationid:2406.05171:id在线阅读
A.Popov, A.Studenikin
Leptonic CP violation is one of the most important topics in neutrino physics. CP violation in the neutrino sector is strongly related to the nature of neutrinos: whether they are Dirac or Majorana particles. In \cite{Popov:2021icg} we have shown that for Majorana neutrinos appearance of nonzero Majorana CP-violating phases combined with strong magnetic field during supernova core-collapse can induce new resonances in neutrino oscillations, for example in $\nu_e \to \bar{\nu}_\tau$ channel. In this paper we further study new resonances in Majorana neutrino oscillations, in particular energy dependence of amplitudes of resonant oscillations. Our findings suggest a potential astrophysical setup for studying the nature of neutrino masses and leptonic CP violation and may be important for future neutrino experiments, such as JUNO, Hyper-Kamiokande and DUNE.
轻子CP破坏是中微子物理学中最重要的话题之一。中微子领域的CP破坏与中微子的本质密切相关:它们是狄拉克粒子还是马约拉纳粒子。在\cite{Popov:2021icg}中,我们已经表明,对于马约拉纳中微子,在超新星核心坍缩期间,非零马约拉纳CP破坏相位与强磁场的结合可以诱发中微子振荡中的新共振,例如在$\nu_e \to \bar{\nu}_\tau$通道中。在本文中,我们进一步研究了马约拉纳中微子振荡中的新共振,特别是共振振荡幅度的能量依赖性。我们的发现提示了一种潜在的天体物理学设置,用于研究中微子质量和轻子CP破坏的本质,并且可能对未来的中微子实验,如JUNO、Hyper-Kamiokande和DUNE,具有重要意义。

2. The Standard Model lifetime is slightly shorterid:2406.05180:id在线阅读
Pietro Baratella, Miha Nemevšek, Yutaro Shoji, Katarina Trailović, Lorenzo Ubaldi
We revisit the decay rate of the electroweak vacuum in the Standard Model with the full one-loop prefactor. We focus on the gauge degrees of freedom and derive the degeneracy factors appearing in the functional determinant using group theoretical arguments. Our treatment shows that the transverse modes were previously overcounted, so we revise the calculation of that part of the prefactor. The new result modifies the gauge fields' contribution by $7\%$ and slightly decreases the previously predicted lifetime of the electroweak vacuum, which remains much longer than the age of the universe. Our discussion of the transverse mode degeneracy applies to any calculation of functional determinants involving gauge fields in four dimensions.

3. Signatures of Bulk Neutrinos in the Early Universeid:2406.05266:id在线阅读
David McKeen, John Ng, Michael Shamma
Neutrino masses and quantum gravity are strong reasons to extend the standard model of particle physics. A large extra dimension can be motivated by quantum gravity and can explain the small neutrino masses with new singlet states that propagate in the bulk. In such a case, a Kaluza-Klein tower of sterile neutrinos emerges. We revisit constraints on towers of sterile neutrinos that come from cosmological observables such as the effective number of noninteracting relativistic species and the dark matter density. These limits generically rule out micron-sized extra dimensions. We explore the weakening of these constraints to accommodate an extra dimension close to the micron size by assuming that the universe reheated after inflation to a low temperature. We discuss how such a possibility can be distinguished in the event of a positive signal in a cosmological observable.

4. Predictions and Tests for Semi-leptonic Decays of Beauty Hadrons,id:2406.05456:id在线阅读
Elvio Di Salvo, Ziad J. Ajaltouni, Flavio Fontanelli
We compare the features of the semi-leptonic decays $B\to D^{(*)} l \bar{\nu}_l$ and $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda_c l \bar{\nu}_l$, with $l$ = $e$, $\mu$ and $\tau$. Firstly, we study such processes according to the $\ell-s$ scheme. Then, we write the angular distributions of those decays in the helicity formalism; we focus especially on the case of $l$ = $\tau$ and suggest for each decay some tests for distinguishing among the various Dirac operators which may explain the tension with the standard model. In particular, as regards the $\Lambda_b$ semi-leptonic decay, we single out five observables, which assume different values for each new-physics interaction; one such observable is related to the longitudinal polarization of the $\tau-\bar{\nu}_\tau$ system, which can be compared with the $D^*$ longitudinal polarization in the $B\to D^* l \bar{\nu}_l$ decay. Moreover, we perform a phenomenological analysis of the decays, particularly of $\Lambda_b$, starting from an assumption which agrees with previous theoretical calculations and has a predictive power about the total widths of several decays; we give also a theoretical explanation to some results that were found in preceding analyses about the above mentioned $B$-decays.
我们比较了半轻子衰变过程$B\to D^{(*)} l \bar{\nu}_l$ 和 $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda_c l \bar{\nu}_l$ 的特征,其中$l$ 代表电子、μ子和τ子。首先,我们根据$\ell-s$方案研究了这些过程。接着,我们采用螺旋度形式写出了这些衰变的角分布;特别关注了$l$ = $\tau$ 的情况,并为每种衰变提出了一些测试,以便区分可能解释与标准模型张力不同的各种狄拉克算符。特别是对于$\Lambda_b$ 的半轻子衰变,我们确定了五个观测量,它们对每种新物理相互作用取不同的值;其中一个观测量与$\tau-\bar{\nu}_\tau$ 系统的纵向极化有关,这可以与$B\to D^* l \bar{\nu}_l$ 衰变中$D^*$ 的纵向极化进行比较。此外,我们从与先前理论计算一致的假设出发,对衰变进行了唯象分析,特别是对$\Lambda_b$ 衰变,该假设对几个衰变的总宽度具有预测能力;我们还对先前分析中发现的关于上述$B$ 衰变的一些结果给出了理论解释。

5. New ideas in nonperturbative QCD -- Iid:2406.05584:id在线阅读
M.S. Lukashov, Yu.A. Simonov
The recent development of the Field Correlator Method (FCM) is discussed, with applications to the most interesting areas of QCD physics obtained in the lattice data and experiment. These areas include: a) the connection of colorelectric confinement with the basic quark and gluon condensates; b) the explicit form of the colorelectric deconfinement at a growing temperature $T$; c) the theory of the colormagnetic confinement at all temperatures; d) the theory of strong decays, the theory of pdf and jets in the instantaneous formalism with confinement. We demonstrate that the FCM with instantaneous formalism and confinement (instead of the light cone formalism and pure perturbation theory) can provide the way to the theory of QCD, which helps to describe world data without phenomenological parameters.
本文讨论了场关联函数方法(FCM)的最新进展,并将其应用于格点数据和实验中最引人注目的QCD物理领域。这些领域包括:a) 色电禁闭与基本夸克和胶子凝聚态之间的联系;b) 随温度$T$升高而显现的色电解禁闭的明确形式;c) 所有温度下的色磁禁闭理论;d) 强衰变理论,以及在瞬时形式主义下的pdf和喷流理论,其中考虑了禁闭。我们展示了,采用瞬时形式主义和禁闭的FCM(而非光锥形式主义和纯微扰理论)能够为QCD理论提供一条途径,有助于在没有唯象参数的情况下描述世界数据。

6. Comparative Study of tau neutrinos event numbers in INO and JUNO detectors from Bartol Fluxid:2406.05601:id在线阅读
Kartik Joshi, Satyajit Jena
To expand our understanding of neutrino physics, scientific researchers of astroparticle Physics directs their goal of detecting atmospheric tau neutrinos in the GeV range. The effort will fundamentally unlock the nature of these elusive particles while also investigating muon neutrinos and tau neutrino oscillations. The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), which has already started its operations in 2024, and the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO), which is not active right now but has future objectives in conducting research, have both emerged as key players in this field. These experiments used theoretical and experimental methodologies to understand the properties and behaviour of atmospheric tau neutrinos. The JUNO experiment, which has an estimated ability to detect around 50 events per year, and the INO, which used an impressive 50,000-ton iron slab as a detector, will contribute significantly in this domain. The detection of all tau neutrinos charged-current (CC) interactions with the detection material, which is divided into former and later events based on the timeline corresponding to scattering and capture in the detector; moreover, the KamLAND experiment is also capable of detecting these tau neutrinos decays, however, in smaller proportions, which could be possibly confused with background signals emerging from oscillations. This has been studied for both experiments for tau neutrinos nuclei cross-sections, and its standard value is taken as a base for calculations. Both INO and JUNO have 5 sigma sensitivity, which was exposed for 5 to 10 years.

7. Photon induced proton and anti-proton pair production with ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions at RHICid:2406.05618:id在线阅读
Cheng Zhang, Li-Mao Zhang, Ding Yu Shao
We investigate proton-antiproton ($p\bar{p}$) pair production via photon-photon fusion in the ultra-peripheral collisions at RHIC, employing a joint impact parameter and transverse momentum dependent formalism. We consider proton exchange, $s$-channel resonance and hand-bag mechanisms, predicting differential distributions of $p\bar p$ production. Our theoretical predictions can be tested against future measurements at RHIC, to enhance our understanding of photon-photon interactions in strong electromagnetic fields.

8. Simulating Parton Fragmentation on Quantum Computersid:2406.05683:id在线阅读
Tianyin Li, Hongxi Xing, Dan-Bo Zhang
Parton fragmentation functions (FFs) are indispensable for understanding processes of hadron production ubiquitously existing in high-energy collisions, but their first principle determination has never been realized due to the insurmountable difficulties in encoding their operator definition using traditional lattice methodology. We propose a framework that makes a first step for evaluating FFs utilizing quantum computing methodology. The key element is to construct a semi-inclusive hadron operator for filtering out hadrons of desired types in a collection of particles encoded in the quantum state. We illustrate the framework by elaborating on the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with numeral simulations. Remarkably, We show that the semi-inclusive hadron operator can be constructed efficiently with a variational quantum algorithm. Moreover, we develop error mitigation techniques tailed for accurately calculating the FFs in the presence of quantum noises. Our work opens a new avenue for investigating QCD hadronization on near-term quantum computers.

9. Resummation of relativistic corrections to heavy quarkonium $+\,\gamma$ production at $Z$ factoryid:2406.05729:id在线阅读
Anton Trunin
Cross sections of the heavy quarkonium production process $e^+e^-\to H + \gamma$ at the c.m. energy of $Z^0$-boson resonance are calculated at leading order in $\alpha_s$ with relativistic corrections resummed within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD). $S$- and $P$-wave charmonia and bottomonia are considered. For $J/\psi(\Upsilon)$ production, the result of vector-meson-dominance (VMD) approach is also given. Relativistic contributions to charmonium production are of the same magnitude as next-to-leading order QCD corrections, decreasing cross section 20-30%. Relativistic corrections to bottomonium production are negligible, not exceeding 2%.
在非相对论量子色动力学(NRQCD)框架内,对重夸克偶素产生过程$e^+e^-\to H + \gamma$在$Z^0$玻色子共振中心质量能量下的截面进行了计算,考虑了$\alpha_s$的领头阶以及相对论修正的重新求和。研究涵盖了$S$-波和$P$-波的粲偶素和底偶素。对于$J/\psi(\Upsilon)$的产生,还给出了矢量介子主导(VMD)方法的结果。相对论效应对粲偶素产生的影响与次领头阶QCD修正相当,导致截面减少20-30%。而相对论修正对底偶素产生的影响则可以忽略不计,不超过2%。

10. LAYCAST: LAYered CAvern Surface Tracker at future electron-positron collidersid:2406.05770:id在线阅读
Ye Lu, Ying-nan Mao, Kechen Wang, Zeren Simon Wang
We propose a detector concept, LAYered CAvern Surface Tracker (LAYCAST), to be installed on the ceiling and the wall of the cavern hosting the main experiment of future electron-positron colliders such as CEPC and FCC-ee. With detailed and realistic considerations of the design of such a new experiment, the proposed detector is dedicated to extending the sensitivity reach of the main detector to various theoretical scenarios of long-lived particles (LLPs). We study carefully four such scenarios involving a light scalar boson $X$, the heavy neutral lepton $N$, the lightest neutralino $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ in the R-parity-violating supersymmetry, and the axion-like particle $a$. Long-lived light scalar bosons are considered to be produced from the Standard-Model (SM) Higgs boson's decay ($h \to X X$) at the center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} =$ 240 GeV, while the other three types of LLPs are produced either from $Z$-boson decays (viz. $Z \to \nu\, N, ~\tilde{\chi}^0_1\, \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $) or direct scattering process ($ e^- e^+ \to ~\gamma\, a$) at $\sqrt{s} =$ 91.2 GeV, where $\gamma$ and $\nu$ denote the SM photon and neutrino, respectively. With Monte-Carlo simulations, we derive the sensitivities of the proposed experiment to these LLPs and the corresponding signal-event numbers. Our findings show that LAYCAST can probe large new parameter space beyond both current bounds and the expected reach of the main experiments at CEPC and FCC-ee. Comparison with existing works in similar directions is also made.
我们提出了一种名为LAYered CAvern Surface Tracker(LAYCAST)的探测器概念,该探测器计划安装在未来电子-正电子对撞机(如CEPC和FCC-ee)主实验所在洞穴的天花板和墙壁上。在对该新型实验设计的详细和实际考虑基础上,LAYCAST旨在扩展主探测器对各种长寿命粒子(LLPs)理论情景的敏感度。我们仔细研究了四种涉及轻标量玻色子$X$、重中性粒子$N$、R宇称破坏超对称中最轻的中性微子$\tilde{\chi}^0_1$以及轴子类粒子$a$的情景。轻标量玻色子被认为是在质心能量$\sqrt{s} =$ 240 GeV时从标准模型(SM)Higgs玻色子的衰变($h \to X X$)中产生,而其他三种LLPs则分别在$\sqrt{s} =$ 91.2 GeV时从$Z$玻色子衰变(即$Z \to \nu\, N, ~\tilde{\chi}^0_1\, \tilde{\chi}^0_1$)或直接散射过程($ e^- e^+ \to ~\gamma\, a$)中产生,其中$\gamma$和$\nu$分别表示SM的光子和中微子。通过蒙特卡洛模拟,我们得出了LAYCAST对这些LLPs的灵敏度以及相应的信号事件数。我们的发现表明,LAYCAST能够探测到超出当前限制和CEPC及FCC-ee主实验预期范围的广阔新参数空间。我们还与现有类似方向的工作进行了比较。

11. Long Range Azimuthal Correlation, Entanglement and Bell Inequality Violation by Spinning Gluons at the LHCid:2406.05880:id在线阅读
Yuxun Guo, Xiaohui Liu, Feng Yuan, Hua Xing Zhu
We apply the recently developed concept of the nucleon energy-energy correlator (NEEC) for the gluon sector to investigate the long-range azimuthal angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. The spinning gluon in these collisions will introduce a significant nonzero $\cos(2\phi)$ asymmetries in both Higgs Boson and top quark pair productions. The genesis of the $\cos(2\phi)$ correlation lies in the intricate quantum entanglement. Owing to the substantial $\cos(2\phi)$ effect, the NEEC observable in Higgs Boson and $t{\bar t}$ production emerges as a pivotal avenue for delving into quantum entanglement and scrutinizing the Bell inequality at high-energy colliders.

12. Possible mixing of a diquark-antidiquark with a $p \bar p$ hadronic moleculeid:2406.05920:id在线阅读
Marek Karliner, Jonathan L. Rosner
We discuss the possibility that the two nearby resonances observed by BESIII partially below the \,$p\bar p$\, threshold might be due to mixing between two metastable states with the same $J^{PC}=0^{-+}$ quantum numbers, but rather different internal structure. One is a $p \bar p$ hadronic molecule and the other a bound state of a light-quark diquark and an antidiquark, both with spin 1 and isospin 0, a composite color antitriplet and triplet, respectively. The doubling of resonances, one of which may be interpreted as a hadronic molecule, while the other arises from $q \bar q$ annihilation in a state with vacuum quantum numbers may be a more general feature than the specific case considered here.
我们探讨了这样一种可能性:北京谱仪III(BESIII)观测到的两个部分位于反质子阈值之下的邻近共振态,可能是由于两个具有相同$J^{PC}=0^{-+}$量子数但内部结构迥异的亚稳态之间的混合所致。其中一个态是质子-反质子强子分子,另一个则是由自旋为1、同位旋为0的轻夸克二重子和反二重子构成的束缚态,它们分别构成复合颜色反三重子和三重子。共振态的这种双重性,其中之一可能被解释为强子分子,而另一个则源自具有真空量子数的$q \bar q$湮灭态,这可能是一个比本文考虑的具体情况更为普遍的特征。

13. Using $\Lambda_b^0(6146)$ and $\Lambda_b^0(6152)$ as probes to investigate possible $\bar{B}^{*}N$ and $\bar{D}^{*}N$ moleculesid:2406.05991:id在线阅读
Jing-wen Feng, Cai Cheng, Yin Huang
Heavy quark symmetry can help us identify the internal structure of hadrons and predict new particles. In this study, we examine the strong decay modes of the observed $\Lambda_b^0(6146)$ and $\Lambda_b^0(6152)$, assuming these two states are molecular states primarily composed of $\bar{B}^{*}N$ component. The partial decay widths of the $\bar{B}^{*}N$ molecular state into the $\pi\Sigma_b$ and $\pi\Sigma_b^{*}$ final states through hadronic loops are calculated using effective Lagrangians. Our results, when compared with LHCb observations, support the interpretation of $\Lambda_b^0(6146)$ as a molecule primarily composed of $\bar{B}^{*}N$ components. However, the decay width of $\Lambda_b^0(6152)$ cannot be accurately reproduced within the molecular state framework. Based on the above results and heavy quark symmetry, we predict the existence of $\bar{B}^{*}N$ molecular states with $J^p=5/2^{+}$, which are the heavy quark spin symmetry partners of $\Lambda_b(6146)$, with masses in the range of 6195-6200 MeV. And the main decay is $\pi\Sigma_b^{*}$ channel. Moreover, there must existence of a $\bar{D}^{*}N$ molecule with $J^p=3/2^{+}$, possible corresponding to the experimentally observed $\Lambda_c(2860)^{+}$. If $\Lambda_c(2880)^{+}$ is indeed the heavy quark flavor symmetry partner of $\Lambda_b(6152)$, it would exhibit a conventional three-quark structure. Therefore, we also propose the search for a $\bar{D}^{*}N$ molecule with a spin-parity of $J^p=5/2^{+}$, which would be the heavy-quark spin partner state of $\Lambda_c(2860)^{+}$. It should be noted that these baryons may be mixed states, containing both molecular and three-quark components. These results can aid experiments in exploring the internal structure of these baryons.
重夸克对称性有助于我们识别强子的内部结构并预测新粒子。在本研究中,我们考察了观测到的$\Lambda_b^0(6146)$和$\Lambda_b^0(6152)$的强衰变模式,假设这两个态主要是由$\bar{B}^{*}N$组分构成的分子态。我们使用有效拉格朗日量计算了$\bar{B}^{*}N$分子态通过强子环向$\pi\Sigma_b$和$\pi\Sigma_b^{*}$末态的部分衰变宽度。与LHCb的观测结果比较,我们的结果支持将$\Lambda_b^0(6146)$解释为主要由$\bar{B}^{*}N$组分构成的分子态。然而,在分子态框架内无法准确再现$\Lambda_b^0(6152)$的衰变宽度。基于上述结果和重夸克对称性,我们预测存在$J^p=5/2^{+}$的$\bar{B}^{*}N$分子态,它们是$\Lambda_b(6146)$的重夸克自旋对称伙伴,质量范围在6195-6200 MeV,主要衰变通道为$\pi\Sigma_b^{*}$。此外,必然存在一个$J^p=3/2^{+}$的$\bar{D}^{*}N$分子态,可能对应实验观测到的$\Lambda_c(2860)^{+}$。如果$\Lambda_c(2880)^{+}$确实是$\Lambda_b(6152)$的重夸克味对称伙伴,它将表现出传统的三夸克结构。因此,我们还建议寻找具有$J^p=5/2^{+}$自旋宇称的$\bar{D}^{*}N$分子态,这将是$\Lambda_c(2860)^{+}$的重夸克自旋伙伴态。需要注意的是,这些重子可能是混合态,既包含分子组分也包含三夸克组分。这些结果有助于实验探索这些重子的内部结构。

14. Towards NNPDFpol2.0id:2406.06083:id在线阅读
Felix Hekhorn
We review the recent efforts in the NNPDF Collaboration towards a new global extraction of polarized parton distributions functions (pPDF). Polarized PDFs are highly relevant for the interpretation of current and future polarized high-energy experiments, including the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). We present a recent study of the role played by heavy quark effects in polarized DIS, where we apply the FONLL general-mass variable-flavour-number scheme for the first time in a polarized setup and demonstrate the significant impact of charm mass corrections, specifically for the polarized gluon distribution. We show preliminary results (DIS-only) of this new pPDF release, NNPDFpol2.0, based on the NNPDF4.0 fitting machinery and the associated new theory prediction pipeline.

15. Exploring alignment phenomenon through the transverse momentum disbalanceid:2406.06114:id在线阅读
I.P. Lokhtin, A.V. Nikolskii, A.M. Snigirev
The hypothesis of the relation between the observed alignment of spots in the X-ray films in cosmic ray emulsion experiments and the selection procedure of the highest-energy particles itself together with the transverse momentum conservation is tested in the framework of the HYDJET++ model. It is shown that the high degree of alignment can appear at the reasonable values of transverse momentum disbalance of selected most energetic particles.

16. Precision calculations of the $D_{(s)}D_{(s)}V$ and $B_{(s)}B_{(s)}V$ couplings from light-cone sum rulesid:2406.06209:id在线阅读
Hua-Yu Jiang, Su-Ping Jin
We present an improved calculation of the $HHV$ ($H=D_{(s)},\, B_{(s)}$, $V= \rho$, $K^\ast$, $\omega$, and $\phi$) coupling constants $g_{HHV}$ beyond leading order in $\alpha_s$ from QCD light-cone sum rules (LCSRs) by means of the light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) of light vector mesons. Near the light-cone, the next-to-leading order QCD corrections for the vacuum-to-vector-meson correlation function are included at leading power in $\delta_V = m_V/m_Q$ ($Q=b,c$) within the framework of hard-collinear factorization. The higher-twist corrections from two-particle and three-particle vector meson LCDAs are systematically incorporated at leading order in $\alpha_s$ by applying the method of background field in LCSRs. Based on these improvements, we perform a systematic computation of the strong coupling constants $g_{H HV}$ and extract the effective coupling $\beta$ of the heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HM$\chi$PT). Furthermore, we accomplish the analysis for the relation between the coupling $g_{HHV}$ and the residue of the $H\to V$ transition form factor $A_0$ at heavy pseudoscalar pole. Additionally, we provide a detailed investigation of the $SU(3)$ flavour symmetry breaking effects and conduct a comparative analysis with results from previous studies.
我们提出了一种改进的计算方法,用于计算超出$\alpha_s$主导阶的$HHV$(其中$H=D_{(s)},\, B_{(s)}$,$V= \rho$, $K^\ast$, $\omega$, 和 $\phi$)耦合常数$g_{HHV}$,该方法基于QCD光锥求和规则(LCSRs)以及轻矢量介子的光锥分布振幅(LCDAs)。在光锥附近,我们在$\delta_V = m_V/m_Q$($Q=b,c$)的主导功率下,在硬共线因子化框架内包含了真空到矢量介子关联函数的次主导阶QCD修正。通过应用LCSRs中的背景场方法,我们系统地纳入了来自二粒子和三粒子矢量介子LCDAs的高阶修正,这些修正在$\alpha_s$的主导阶下进行。基于这些改进,我们系统地计算了强耦合常数$g_{H HV}$,并提取了重介子手征微扰理论(HM$\chi$PT)的有效耦合$\beta$。此外,我们完成了耦合$g_{HHV}$与$H\to V$跃迁形状因子$A_0$在重赝标量极点处的残余之间关系的分析。我们还提供了对$SU(3)$味对称性破缺效应的详细研究,并与先前的研究结果进行了比较分析。

17. Holographic complex potential of a quarkonium from deep learningid:2406.06285:id在线阅读
Mahdi Mansouri, Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan, Xun Chen
Utilizing an emergent metric developed from deep learning techniques, we determine the complex potential associated with static quarkonium. This study explores the disintegration process of quarkonium by analyzing the real component of this potential, which is crucial for understanding its stability in various conditions. We show that the dissociation length, the critical distance at which a quark and antiquark pair disintegrate, decreases as the temperature increases. Furthermore, our assessment of the imaginary component of the potential indicates an increase in the magnitude of the imaginary potential for quarkonium as temperatures rise. This enhancement contributes to the quarkonium's suppression within the quark-gluon plasma, mirroring the anticipated outcomes from QCD. Our findings not only confirm the theoretical predictions but also demonstrate the efficacy of deep learning methods in advancing our understanding of high-energy particle physics.

18. Topological structures, dark matter and gravitational waves in $E_6$id:2406.06308:id在线阅读
Rinku Maji, Qaisar Shafi, Amit Tiwari
We discuss the appearance of topological structures from the spontaneous breaking of $E_6$ to the Standard Model via its maximal subgroup $SO(10) \times U(1)_\psi$. They include dumbbells, metastable strings, as well as domain walls bounded by necklaces. We provide a novel scenario for producing metastable strings based on the symmetry breaking $U(1)_\psi \longrightarrow Z_8 \longrightarrow Z_4$. The metastable string arises from the merger of $Z_8$ strings that bound a domain wall. An unbroken gauge $Z_2$ symmetry from $SO(10)$ breaking yields viable stable dark matter candidates as well as topologically stable strings. We discuss the gravitational wave emission from two varieties of cosmic strings, namely the superheavy metastable ones and the intermediate scale topologically stable cosmic strings.
我们讨论了从$E_6$自发破缺到通过其最大子群$SO(10) \times U(1)_\psi$的标准模型时出现的拓扑结构。这些结构包括哑铃、亚稳态弦以及由项链限界的畴壁。我们基于对称破缺$U(1)_\psi \longrightarrow Z_8 \longrightarrow Z_4$提出了一种产生亚稳态弦的新情景。亚稳态弦源自限界畴壁的$Z_8$弦的合并。从$SO(10)$破缺中未被破坏的规范$Z_2$对称性产生了可行的稳定暗物质候选者以及拓扑稳定的弦。我们讨论了两种宇宙弦——即超重亚稳态弦和中间尺度拓扑稳定宇宙弦——发出的引力波辐射。

19. Dilatonic Couplings and the Relic Abundance of Ultralight Dark Matterid:2406.06395:id在线阅读
Ahmad Alachkar, Malcolm Fairbairn, David J. E. Marsh
Models of scalar field dark matter where the scalar is a dilaton have a special behaviour, since non-trivial couplings, $d$, to matter result in a contribution to the potential for the field which is proportional to the trace of the stress-energy tensor. We look in more detail at the dilaton mass, $m_\phi$, and initial conditions required to yield the correct relic abundance for couplings that are not already excluded by terrestrial experiments. In minimal models with only couplings accessible to terrestrial searches, we find that dilaton dark matter with $m_{\phi} \gtrsim 10^{-10}$ eV requires couplings suppressed compared to constraints from equivalence principle (EP) tests and fifth force searches in order to not produce too much dark matter, improving on the strongest current experimental constraints by up to $\sim {\cal O}(10)$, with consequences for the proposed mechanical resonator dilaton DM searches. In non-minimal or universally coupled models, the unconstrained couplings of the dilaton to e.g. the top quark can strongly influence the relic abundance at all masses. In particular, this implies that atom interferometry searches at masses $m_\phi\approx 10^{-19}\text{ eV}$ are unable to constrain the early Universe behaviour or UV physics of the dilaton. We also find that dilatonic couplings allow for compatibility of $m_\phi \gtrsim 10^{-7}\text{ eV}$ with an observably large tensor-to-scalar ratio in the cosmic microwave background, which is not possible for a decoupled scalar of the same mass.
标量场暗物质模型中,当标量为膨胀子时,其行为具有特殊性,因为与物质非平凡耦合$d$会导致场势能中出现与应力-能量张量迹成正比的贡献。我们更详细地考察了膨胀子质量$m_\phi$以及为获得正确遗留丰度所需的初始条件,这些条件适用于尚未被地面实验排除的耦合。在仅包含可通过地面搜索触及的耦合的最小模型中,我们发现,对于$m_{\phi} \gtrsim 10^{-10}$ eV的膨胀子暗物质,需要其耦合相对于等效原理(EP)测试和第五力搜索的约束有所抑制,以避免产生过多的暗物质,这比当前最强实验约束提高了约$\sim {\cal O}(10)$倍,对提议的机械谐振器膨胀子暗物质搜索有重要影响。在非最小或普遍耦合模型中,膨胀子与例如顶夸克的未受约束耦合可以显著影响所有质量下的遗留丰度。特别是,这意味着在$m_\phi\approx 10^{-19}$ eV质量下的原子干涉测量搜索无法限制膨胀子在早期宇宙的行为或紫外物理。我们还发现,膨胀子耦合使得$m_\phi \gtrsim 10^{-7}$ eV的质量与宇宙微波背景中可观测的大张量-标量比率相兼容,这对于相同质量的分离标量是不可能的。

20. Experimental Bounds on Deformed Muon Lifetime Dilationid:2406.05150:id在线阅读
Iarley P. Lobo, Christian Pfeifer
We analyze Planck scale induced modifications of the relativistic time dilation using data from the Muon Storage Ring experiment at CERN. By examining the lifetimes of muons, we establish, for the first time, a constraint on such quantum gravity-inspired deformations using this channel.

21. The Implication of Enhanced Cosmic Ray Diurnal Anisotropy on the Global Simultaneity of Forbush Decreases: A Statistical Approachid:2406.05160:id在线阅读
O. Okike, J. A. Alhassan, I. O. Eya
The short-term rapid CR flux depressions, generally referred to as Forbush decreases (FDs), are the most spectacular time-intensity CR variation. The need for analytical transformation of the observational CR time series data, to account for FDs and other recurrence tendencies such as periodicities and cycles, was noted since the 1930s'. Nevertheless, it has been recently observed that harmonic analysis, which is capable of transforming raw CR data into different frequencies, is rarely exploited. Predominant in the literature are the ordinary Fourier and power spectral analyses, generally used to calculate the positive vectors (amplitude and phase) of the periodic diurnal CR anisotropy. In the two approaches, the days immediately connected with FDs are frequently removed to minimize unusual changes in the amplitude of the vectors as well as a spurious time of maximum. However, there is a paucity of publications that adjust for the influence of enhanced CR diurnal anisotropy on the magnitude and timing of FDs. Recently, in an attempt to test the global FD event simultaneity, a combination of numerical filtering and fast Fourier transform techniques was deployed to account for these superposition tendencies in daily CR data, including the intractable CR diurnal anisotropy. However, an extremely sensitive version of the software would be required to analyze high-resolution CR hourly averages. As a way of achieving accurate detection and precise timing of FD signals, the computer algorithms were technically improved and employed in a long-term statistical investigation. To appreciate the implemented extremely sensitive statistical technique, several validation analyses, including FD-based solar-terrestrial correlation, comparison of FD catalogues, and Frobush event simultaneity test were conducted.

22. 2D BAO vs 3D BAO: Hints for new physics?id:2406.05453:id在线阅读
In the era of tensions, when precision cosmology is blooming, numerous new theoretical models are emerging. However, it's crucial to pause and question the extent to which the observational data we rely on are model-dependent. In this work, we study the comoving position of the acoustic peak, a cornerstone standard ruler in cosmology. We considered BAO observational datasets from two distinct teams and calculated the product $hr_d$ with the help of each BAO data set along with SN I-a data from the Pantheon Plus sample. Our conclusion at present is that 2D and 3D BAO datasets are compatible with each other. Considering, no systematics in BAO, interpreting $\Omega_{m0}-hr_d$ plane may require physics beyond $\Lambda$CDM not just while using observational BAO data but also while observing it.
在精密宇宙学蓬勃发展的紧张时期,涌现出众多新的理论模型。然而,至关重要的是要停下来思考我们所依赖的观测数据在多大程度上依赖于模型。在本研究中,我们探讨了声学峰的共动位置,这是宇宙学中的一个基石标准尺。我们考虑了来自两个不同团队的BAO观测数据集,并借助每个BAO数据集以及Pantheon Plus样本中的SN I-a数据,计算了乘积$hr_d$。目前我们的结论是,二维和三维BAO数据集彼此兼容。考虑到BAO中没有系统误差,解释$\Omega_{m0}-hr_d$平面可能不仅在使用观测的BAO数据时需要超越$\Lambda$CDM的物理学,而且在观测时也需要。

23. The History of Primordial Black Holesid:2406.05736:id在线阅读
Bernard J. Carr, Anne M. Green
We overview the history of primordial black hole (PBH) research from the first papers around 50 years ago to the present epoch. The history may be divided into four periods, the dividing lines being marked by three key developments: inflation on the theoretical front and the detection of microlensing events by the MACHO project and gravitational waves by the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA project on the observation front. However, they are also characterised by somewhat different focuses of research. The period 1967-1980 covered the groundbreaking work on PBH formation and evaporation. The period 1980-1996 mainly focussed on their formation, while the period 1996-2016 consolidated the work on formation but also collated the constraints on the PBH abundance. In the period 2016-2024 there was a shift of emphasis to the search for evidence for PBHs and - while opinions about the strength of the purported evidence vary - this has motivated more careful studies of some aspects of the subject. Certainly the soaring number of papers on PBHs in this last period indicates a growing interest in the topic.

24. Bubbles kick off primordial black holes to form more binariesid:2406.05838:id在线阅读
Zi-Yan Yuwen, Cristian Joana, Shao-Jiang Wang, Rong-Gen Cai
Primordial black holes (PBHs) may form before cosmological first-order phase transitions, leading to inevitable collisions between PBHs and bubble walls. In this Letter, we have simulated for the first time the co-evolution of an expanding scalar wall passing through a black hole with full numerical relativity. This black hole-bubble wall collision yields multiple far-reaching phenomena including the PBH mass growth, gravitational wave radiations, and momentum recoil that endows PBHs with additional velocities, approximately doubling the formation rate for PBH binaries and hence strengthening the observational constraints on the PBH abundances.

25. Minimal Cuts and Genealogical Constraints on Feynman Integralsid:2406.05943:id在线阅读
Holmfridur S. Hannesdottir, Luke Lippstreu, Andrew J. McLeod, Maria Polackova
We introduce an efficient method for deriving hierarchical constraints on the discontinuities of individual Feynman integrals. This method can be applied at any loop order and particle multiplicity, and to any configuration of massive or massless virtual particles. The resulting constraints hold to all orders in dimensional regularization, and complement the extended Steinmann relations -- which restrict adjacent sequential discontinuities -- by disallowing ordered pairs of discontinuities from appearing even when separated by (any number of) other discontinuities. We focus on a preferred class of hierarchical constraints, which we refer to as \emph{genealogical constraints}, that govern what singularities can follow from certain \emph{minimal cuts} that act as the primogenitors of the discontinuities that appear in Feynman integrals. While deriving the full set of hierarchical constraints on a given Feynman integral generally requires identifying all solutions to the (blown up) Landau equations, these genealogical constraints can be worked out with only minimal information about what singularities may appear. We illustrate the power of this new method in examples at one, two, and three loops, and provide evidence that genealogical constraints restrict the analytic structure of Feynman integrals significantly more than the extended Steinmann relations.

26. The matrix model of two-color one-flavor QCD: The ultra-strong coupling regimeid:2406.06055:id在线阅读
Nirmalendu Acharyya, Prasanjit Aich, Arkajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Sachindeo Vaidya
Using variational methods, we numerically investigate the matrix model for the two-color QCD coupled to a single quark (matrix-QCD$_{2,1}$) in the limit of ultra-strong Yang-Mills coupling ($g =\infty$). The spectrum of the model has superselection sectors labelled by baryon number $B$ and spin $J$. We study sectors with $B=0,1,2$ and $J=0,1$, which may be organized as mesons, (anti-)diquarks and (anti-)tetraquarks. For each of these sectors, we study the properties of the respective ground states in both chiral and heavy quark limits, and uncover a rich quantum phase transition (QPT) structure. We also investigate the division of the total spin between the glue and the quark and show that glue contribution is significant for several of these sectors. For the $(B,J)=(0,0)$ sector, we find that the dominant glue contribution to the ground state comes from reducible connections. Finally, in the presence of non-trivial baryon chemical potential $\mu$, we construct the phase diagram of the model. For sufficiently large $\mu$, we find that the ground state of the theory may have non-zero spin.

27. Multi-Generational Black Hole Population Analysis with an Astrophysically Informed Mass Functionid:2406.06109:id在线阅读
Yannick Ulrich, Djuna Croon, Jeremy Sakstein, Samuel McDermott
We analyze the population statistics of black holes in the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA GWTC-3 catalog using a parametric mass function derived from simulations of massive stars experiencing pulsational pair-instability supernovae (PPISN). Our formalism enables us to separate the black hole mass function into sub-populations corresponding to mergers between objects formed via different astrophysical pathways, allowing us to infer the properties of black holes formed from stellar collapse and black holes formed via prior mergers separately. Applying this formalism, we find that this model fits the data better than the powerlaw+peak model with Bayes factor $ 9.7\pm0.1$. We measure the location of the lower edge of the upper black hole mass gap to be $M_{\rm BHMG}=84.05_{-12.88}^{+17.19}{\rm M}_{\odot}$, providing evidence that the $35{\rm M}_{\odot}$ Gaussian peak detected in the data using other models is not associated with the PPISN pile-up predicted to precede this gap. Incorporating spin, we find that the normalized spins of stellar remnant black holes are close to zero while those of higher generation black holes tend to larger values. All of these results are in accordance with the predictions of stellar structure theory and black hole merger scenarios. Finally, we combine our mass function with the spectral siren method for measuring the Hubble constant to find $H_0=36.19_{-10.91}^{17.50}$ km/s/Mpc and discuss potential explanations of this low value. Our results demonstrate how astrophysically-informed mass functions can facilitate the interpretation of gravitational wave catalog data to provide information about black hole formation and cosmology. Future data releases will improve the precision of our measurements.
我们使用从模拟经历脉动对不稳定超新星(PPISN)的大质量星的参数化质量函数,分析了LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA GWTC-3目录中黑洞的种群统计。我们的方法论使我们能够将黑洞质量函数分为对应于通过不同天体物理途径形成物体的亚种群,从而使我们能够分别推断出由恒星坍缩形成的黑洞和通过先前合并形成的黑洞的性质。应用这一方法论,我们发现该模型比幂律+峰值模型更好地拟合数据,贝叶斯因子为$9.7\pm0.1$。我们测得黑洞质量上限间隙的下边缘位置为$M_{\rm BHMG}=84.05_{-12.88}^{+17.19}{\rm M}_{\odot}$,提供了证据表明使用其他模型在数据中检测到的$35{\rm M}_{\odot}$高斯峰值与预料中在此间隙之前堆积的PPISN无关。结合自旋,我们发现恒星残余黑洞的归一化自旋接近零,而更高代黑洞的自旋倾向于更大的值。所有这些结果都与恒星结构理论和黑洞合并情景的预测一致。最后,我们将我们的质量函数与测量哈勃常数的谱声方法相结合,得到$H_0=36.19_{-10.91}^{17.50}$ km/s/Mpc,并讨论了这一低值的可能解释。我们的结果展示了基于天体物理的质量函数如何促进对引力波目录数据的解释,以提供关于黑洞形成和宇宙学的信息。未来的数据发布将提高我们测量的精度。

28. Higgs cross-section ( including di-Higgs ) with CMS and ATLASid:2406.06172:id在线阅读
Torben Lange (on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations)
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations a lot of progress has been made in verifying the nature of this new bosonic particle. Still, questions remain as to whether this new particle is the standard model (SM) Higgs boson, and whether it gives us hints of where physics beyond the SM (BSM) might be hidden. This overview tries to tackle these questions by looking at three types of analyses 1) Total cross section measurements of the various Higgs boson production and decay modes, allowing us access to the various Higgs boson couplings to SM bosons and fermions, 2) Differential Higgs boson cross section measurements such as in the STXS framework allowing for a model independent search for BSM and, finally, 3) The searches for di-Higgs production which give access to the trilinear Higgs self coupling $\lambda$ and the Higgs potential itself.

29. Implications of DES 5YR SNe Dataset for $\Lambda$CDMid:2406.06389:id在线阅读
Eoin Ó Colgáin, Saeed Pourojaghi, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari
Dark Energy Survey five-year supernovae data (DES 5YR SNe) in conjunction with Planck CMB and Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) BAO data has detected a strong dynamical dark energy deviation from the $\Lambda$CDM model. Here, we shift the focus of DES data to the pressureless matter sector in the $\Lambda$CDM model by studying the matter density parameter $\Omega_m$. Employing frequentist profile likelihoods, we demonstrate that $\Omega_m$ increases with effective redshift in the DES dataset at up to $2.5 \sigma$ level. At the highest redshifts, one encounters negative dark energy densities $\Omega_m > 1$. Our findings corroborate earlier observations in Pantheon and Pantheon+ datasets with an independent SNe dataset with a higher effective redshift. In an appendix, we confirm that curvature $\Omega_k$ decreases with effective redshift disfavouring a flat Universe in higher redshift DES SNe at $> 3 \sigma$. Our choice of $\Omega_k$ prior leads to an underestimation of the tension with a flat Universe.
结合Planck宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB)数据、暗能量光谱仪(DESI)的BAO数据以及暗能量巡天(DES)五年超新星数据(DES 5YR SNe),我们发现动态暗能量与$\Lambda$CDM模型存在显著偏离。本文通过研究$\Lambda$CDM模型中的物质密度参数$\Omega_m$,将DES数据的分析焦点转向了无压物质领域。运用频率论者轮廓似然法,我们展示出在DES数据集中,$\Omega_m$随有效红移的增加而上升,达到了$2.5\sigma$的显著性水平。在最高的红移处,我们遇到了暗能量密度为负的情况,即$\Omega_m > 1$。我们的发现与先前在Pantheon及Pantheon+数据集中的观察相吻合,且基于一个独立的高有效红移超新星数据集。在附录中,我们确认随着有效红移的增加,曲率$\Omega_k$减小,这表明在高红移的DES超新星数据中,平坦宇宙模型受到了超过$3\sigma$的反对。我们选择的$\Omega_k$先验导致了与平坦宇宙模型间的张力被低估。

30. Searching for Pseudo-Dirac neutrinos from Astrophysical sources in IceCube dataid:2406.06476:id在线阅读
Khushboo Dixit, Luis Salvador Miranda, Soebur Razzaque
We analyze IceCube public data from its IC86 configuration, namely PSTracks event selection, to search for pseudo-Dirac signatures in high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources. Neutrino flux from astrophysical sources is reduced in the pseudo-Dirac scenario due to conversion of active-to-sterile neutrinos as compared to the neutrino oscillation scenario of only three active neutrinos over astrophysical distances. We fit IceCube data using astrophysical flux models for three point-like sources in both scenarios and constrain the active-sterile mass-square-difference in the absence of any evidence for pseudo-Dirac scenario. We find that a common mass-squared-difference $\delta m^2$ for all three flavors can be constrained as $\delta m^2 \lesssim 4 \times 10^{-19}~eV^2$ for the source NGC 1068, $\delta m^2 \lesssim 8 \times 10^{-20}~eV^2$ for the source TXS 0506+056, and $\delta m^2 \lesssim 2.3 \times 10^{-21}~eV^2$ for the source PKS 1424+240 at 90% C.L. A stacking analysis gives a constrain on $\delta m^2 \le 2.3 \times 10^{-21}~eV^2$ at 90% CL which is dominated by the constraint obtained from PKS 1424+240.
我们分析了IceCube公开数据中的IC86配置,即PSTracks事件选择,以搜索来自天体物理源的高能中微子中的伪狄拉克信号。在天体物理距离上,由于活性-惰性中微子转换,与仅涉及三个活性中微子的中微子振荡情景相比,伪狄拉克情景下的天体物理源中微子通量会减少。我们使用天体物理通量模型对两种情景下的三个点源进行了IceCube数据的拟合,并在没有伪狄拉克情景证据的情况下约束了活性-惰性质量平方差。我们发现,对于所有三种味道,一个共同的质量平方差$\delta m^2$可以被约束为:对于源NGC 1068,$\delta m^2 \lesssim 4 \times 10^{-19}~eV^2$;对于源TXS 0506+056,$\delta m^2 \lesssim 8 \times 10^{-20}~eV^2$;对于源PKS 1424+240,$\delta m^2 \lesssim 2.3 \times 10^{-21}~eV^2$,置信度为90%。堆叠分析给出的$\delta m^2$约束为$\delta m^2 \le 2.3 \times 10^{-21}~eV^2$,置信度为90%,这一约束主要由PKS 1424+240的约束主导。

31. Macroscopic quantum superpositions in superconducting circuitsid:2406.06492:id在线阅读
Vitoria A. de Souza, Caio C. Holanda Ribeiro, Vitorio A. De Lorenci
A possible route to test whether macroscopic systems can acquire quantum features using superconducting circuits is here presented. It is shown that under general assumptions a classical test current pulse of fixed energy and adjustable length acquires quantum features after interacting with the quantum vacuum of the photon field. Further, it is shown that the mere existence of vacuum fluctuations can lead to the breakdown of energy and momentum conservation, and as the length of the pulse grows with respect to the characteristic size of the quantum system, the test pulse undergoes quantum-to-classical transition. This model differs from previous ones for its simplicity and points towards a new way of creating correlated systems suitable for quantum-based technology.

32. Fermion Mass Hierarchies, Large Lepton Mixing and Residual Modular Symmetriesid:2102.07488:id在线阅读
P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
In modular-invariant models of flavour, hierarchical fermion mass matrices may arise solely due to the proximity of the modulus $\tau$ to a point of residual symmetry. This mechanism does not require flavon fields, and modular weights are not analogous to Froggatt-Nielsen charges. Instead, we show that hierarchies depend on the decomposition of field representations under the residual symmetry group. We systematically go through the possible fermion field representation choices which may yield hierarchical structures in the vicinity of symmetric points, for the four smallest finite modular groups, isomorphic to $S_3$, $A_4$, $S_4$, and $A_5$, as well as for their double covers. We find a restricted set of pairs of representations for which the discussed mechanism may produce viable fermion (charged-lepton and quark) mass hierarchies. We present two lepton flavour models in which the charged-lepton mass hierarchies are naturally obtained, while lepton mixing is somewhat fine-tuned. After formulating the conditions for obtaining a viable lepton mixing matrix in the symmetric limit, we construct a model in which both the charged-lepton and neutrino sectors are free from fine-tuning.

33. Dark Matter from Evaporating Primordial Black Holes in the Early Universeid:2209.11288:id在线阅读
Pratik Chattopadhyay, Arnab Chaudhuri, Maxim Yu. Khlopov
Primordial Black Holes (PBH) could dominate in the early universe and, evaporating before Big bang Nucleosynthesis, can provide new freeze in mechanism of dark matter (DM) production. The proposed scenario is considered for two possible mechanisms of PBH formation and the corresponding continuous PBH mass spectra so that the effect of non-single PBH mass spectrum is taken into account in the results of PBH evaporation, by which PBH dominance in the early universe ends. We specify the conditions under which the proposed scenario can explain production of dark matter in very early Universe.

34. Earth-Catalyzed Detection of Magnetic Inelastic Dark Matter with Photons in Large Underground Detectorsid:2312.08478:id在线阅读
Joshua Eby, Patrick J. Fox, Graham D. Kribs
Inelastic dark matter with moderate splittings, $\mathcal{O}({\rm few} \; {\rm to} \; 150)$ keV, can upscatter to an excited state in the Earth, with the excited state subsequently decaying, leaving a distinctive monoenergetic photon signal in large underground detectors. The photon signal can exhibit sidereal-daily modulation, providing excellent separation from backgrounds. Using a detailed numerical simulation, we examine this process as a search strategy for magnetic inelastic dark matter with the dark matter mass near the weak scale, where the upscatter to the excited state and decay proceed through the same magnetic dipole transition operator. At lower inelastic splittings, the scattering is dominated by moderate mass elements in the Earth with high spin, especially $^{27}$Al, while at larger splittings, $^{56}$Fe becomes the dominant target. We show that the proposed large volume gaseous detector CYGNUS will have excellent sensitivity to this signal. Xenon detectors also provide excellent sensitivity through the inelastic nuclear recoil signal, and if a future signal is seen, we show that the synergy among both types of detection can provide strong evidence for magnetic inelastic dark matter. In the course we have calculated nuclear response functions for elements relevant for scattering in the Earth, which are publicly available on GitHub.

35. Migdal-type effect in the dark matter absorption processid:2312.10566:id在线阅读
V.A. Dzuba, V.V. Flambaum, I.B. Samsonov
We propose a new mechanism of absorption of dark matter particles in atoms which resembles the Migdal effect of inelastic dark matter scattering. In this process, atom may be ionized upon absorption of a scalar particle through the scalar-nucleon Yukawa-type interaction. The crucial difference from the inelastic dark matter scattering on atoms is that the total energy of the particle, including its rest mass $mc^2$-term, is transferred to the electron. As a result, the emitted electron kinetic energy is about six orders in magnitude bigger than that in the dark matter scattering process. This absorption process allows one to probe dark matter particles with a relatively small mass, in the range from 1 to 100 keV, that cannot be detected in the scattering process. It is also possible to detect hypothetical scalar particles emitted from the Sun. We calculate absorption cross sections of this process in Na, Si, Ar, Ge, I, Xe, and Tl target atoms and extract limits on the scalar-nucleon interaction constant from null results of XENONnT experiment.

36. Physical Signatures of Fermion-Coupled Axion Dark Matterid:2312.11601:id在线阅读
Asher Berlin, Alexander J. Millar, Tanner Trickle, Kevin Zhou
In the presence of axion dark matter, fermion spins experience an "axion wind" torque and an "axioelectric" force. We investigate new experimental probes of these effects and find that magnetized analogs of multilayer dielectric haloscopes can explore orders of magnitude of new parameter space for the axion-electron coupling. We also revisit the calculation of axion absorption into in-medium excitations, showing that axioelectric absorption is screened in spin-polarized targets, and axion wind absorption can be characterized in terms of a magnetic energy loss function. Finally, our detailed theoretical treatment allows us to critically examine recent claims in the literature. We find that axioelectric corrections to electronic energy levels are smaller than previously estimated and that the purported electron electric dipole moment due to a constant axion field is entirely spurious.

37. Magnetar-powered Neutrinos and Magnetic Moment Signatures at IceCubeid:2312.14113:id在线阅读
Ting Cheng, Hao-Jui Kuan, Ying-Ying Li, Vedran Brdar
The IceCube collaboration pioneered the detection of $\mathcal{O}{(\text{PeV})}$ neutrino events and the identification of astrophysical sources of high-energy neutrinos. In this study, we explore scenarios in which high-energy neutrinos are produced in the vicinity of astrophysical objects with strong magnetic field, such as magnetars. While propagating through such magnetic field, neutrinos experience spin precession induced by their magnetic moments, and this impacts their helicity and flavor composition at Earth. Considering both flavor composition of high-energy neutrinos and Glashow resonance events we find that detectable signatures may arise at neutrino telescopes, such as IceCube, for presently unconstrained neutrino magnetic moments in the range between $\mathcal{O}(10^{-15})~\mu_B$ and $\mathcal{O}(10^{-12})~\mu_B$.

38. Uniform rate inflation on the braneid:2312.17409:id在线阅读
Chia-Min Lin, Rei Tamura, Keiko I. Nagao
We propose a model of uniform rate inflation on the brane. The potential is given by a hyperbolic cosine function plus a negative cosmological constant. The equation of motion is solved analytically without using slow-roll approximation. The result is that the inflaton field is rolling at a constant speed. The prediction for cosmological perturbations depends on the field value at the end of inflation. The experimental constraints could be satisfied in the parameter space.

39. Anomalous diffusion of the heavy quarks through the fractional Langevin equationid:2401.03757:id在线阅读
Jai Prakash
The dynamics of heavy quarks within the hot QCD medium have been revisited, considering the influence of anomalous diffusion. This study has been conducted using the framework of the fractional Langevin equation involving the Caputo fractional derivative. We introduce a numerical scheme for the fractional Langevin equation and demonstrate that the mean square displacement of the particle exhibits anomalous diffusion, deviating from a linear relationship with time. Our analysis calculates various entities, such as mean squared momentum, momentum spread, and the nuclear suppression factor, $R_{AA}$. Notably, our findings indicate that superdiffusion strongly suppresses the $R_{AA}$ compared to normal diffusion in the hot QCD medium. The possible impacts on other parameters are also discussed.

40. Electromagnetic properties of vector doubly charmed tetraquark statesid:2401.04798:id在线阅读
U. Özdem, K. Azizi
We conduct a systematic study of the electromagnetic properties of multiquark systems with undetermined internal structures. Motivated by the recent observation of the $T_{cc}^+$ state, we apply the light-cone version of the QCD sum rule method to extract the magnetic dipole moments of several possible doubly-charmed vector tetraquark states. When analyzing the magnetic dipole moment of these states, they are modeled to have the diquark-antidiquark configurations. The magnetic dipole moments for the members are extracted as $ \mu_{T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{d}}} = 1.17^{+0.44}_{-0.32} \, \mu_N$, $ \mu_{T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{s}}} = 1.35^{+0.50}_{-0.37} \, \mu_N$, $ \mu_{T_{cc \bar{d} \bar{s}}} = -2.69^{+1.02}_{-0.75} \, \mu_N$, $ \mu_{T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{u}}} = 1.33^{+0.56}_{-0.40} \, \mu_N$, $ \mu_{T_{cc \bar{d} \bar{d}}} = 1.41^{+0.57}_{-0.43} \, \mu_N$ and $ \mu_{T_{cc \bar{s} \bar{s}}} = 1.44^{+0.53}_{-0.41} \, \mu_N$. Comparing the results obtained for the magnetic dipole moments of the $T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{d}}$ state with the $T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{s}}$ state, the $U$-symmetry is seen to be broken at about $\%15$, while for the $T_{cc \bar{d} \bar{d}}$ and $T_{cc \bar{s} \bar{s}}$ states, this symmetry is minimally broken. The obtained results may be useful to determine the true nature of these new interesting states.
我们系统地研究了内部结构未定的多夸克系统的电磁性质。受到最近观测到的$T_{cc}^+$态的启发,我们应用了QCD求和规则的光锥版本方法,提取了几种可能的双重魅数矢量四夸克态的磁偶极矩。在分析这些态的磁偶极矩时,它们被建模为具有双重子-反双重子结构。提取的磁偶极矩分别为:$\mu_{T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{d}}} = 1.17^{+0.44}_{-0.32} \, \mu_N$,$\mu_{T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{s}}} = 1.35^{+0.50}_{-0.37} \, \mu_N$,$\mu_{T_{cc \bar{d} \bar{s}}} = -2.69^{+1.02}_{-0.75} \, \mu_N$,$\mu_{T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{u}}} = 1.33^{+0.56}_{-0.40} \, \mu_N$,$\mu_{T_{cc \bar{d} \bar{d}}} = 1.41^{+0.57}_{-0.43} \, \mu_N$ 和 $\mu_{T_{cc \bar{s} \bar{s}}} = 1.44^{+0.53}_{-0.41} \, \mu_N$。将$T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{d}}$态的磁偶极矩结果与$T_{cc \bar{u} \bar{s}}$态的结果进行比较,可以看到$U$对称性大约被破坏了$\%15$,而对于$T_{cc \bar{d} \bar{d}}$和$T_{cc \bar{s} \bar{s}}$态,这种对称性的破坏最小。所得结果可能有助于确定这些新有趣态的真实性质。

41. Properties of the ground and excited states of triply heavy spin-1/2 baryonsid:2402.14348:id在线阅读
Z. Rajabi Najjar, K. Azizi, H. R. Moshfegh
We study the triply heavy spin-1/2 baryons with quark contents $ ccb $ and $ bbc $, and calculate their mass and residue using QCD sum rules. In the calculations, we consider the ground (1S), first orbitally excited (1P) and first radially excited (2S) states. Aiming to achieve higher accuracies in the results, we perform the computations by taking into account the non-perturbative operators up to eight mass dimensions. We compare our results with the predictions of other theoretical studies existing in the literature. The obtained results may help experimental groups in their search for these yet unseen, but previously predicted by the quark model, interesting particles.

42. Dark matter, CE$\nu$NS and neutrino new physics scrutinized by a statistical method in Xenon-based experimentsid:2403.05819:id在线阅读
Jian Tang, Bing-Long Zhang
Dark matter direct detection experiments are going to touch the neutrino floor with a good chance to measure coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) and a probe of neutrino-related new physics ($\nu$NP). In this study, we emphatically investigate the simultaneous presence of dark matter and $\nu$NP revealing a response resembling of Standard Model neutrino backgrounds in Xenon-based dark matter experiments. Demonstrated by three U(1) extension models, we figure out that dark matter signals can be distinguished from an excess or a depletion of neutrino contributions from $\nu$NP by a statistically defined distinction method in nuclear and electronic recoil spectra. We also present the influence of $\nu$NP on the exclusion limits for spin-independent dark matter-nucleon interactions. Our work might pave the way for new physics discrimination in future dark matter experiments.

43. Perturbative Unitarity and the 4-Point Vertices in the Constructive Standard Modelid:2403.07977:id在线阅读
Neil Christensen
We find a complete set of 4-point vertices in the Constructive Standard Model (CSM). This set is smaller than in Feynman diagrams as the CSM does not need or allow any additional 4-point vertices (or contact terms) beyond what is present in Feynman diagrams and, furthermore, it does not need or allow a 4-point vertex for A,Z,W+,W- or A,A,W+,W-, in addition to the already known absence of the 4-gluon vertex. We show that with this set of 4-point vertices, perturbative unitarity is satisfied in the CSM. Additionally, we show that many constructive diagrams are not Feynman diagrams rewritten in spinor form. In fact, we show that there is a significant rearrangement of contributions from the diagrams in constructive calculations relative to Feynman diagrams, for some processes. In addition to the already known or expected rearrangement in diagrams involving external photons, we also find that diagrams involving a 4-vector-boson vertex are also significantly different than their Feynman counterparts.

44. New method for the solution of the two-body Dirac equation for the positronium bound statesid:2404.00444:id在线阅读
E.M. Tursunov, Sh.G. Norbutaev, B.A. Fayzullaev
A new theoretical method is developed to solve the two-body bound-state Dirac equation for positronium. Only Coulomb potential was included in the Dirac Hamiltonian. It is shown that the two-body Dirac Hamiltonian can be written in the Hermitian matrix form of the 4$\times$4 size and diagonalized in the momentum-state representation. Numerical results for the energy spectrum of the para- and ortho-positronium ground states performed within the variational method using the harmonic oscillator basis functions are in good agreement with a high-precision finite-element method of T.C. Scott et al. After the Fourier transformation into the coordinate-state representation the bound state wave functions of the para-Ps and ortho-Ps do not contain any singularity at the origin in contrast to the method mentioned above. The weights of the large-small and small-large components of the ground state wave functions are estimated to be of order 10$^{-6}$, while the weight of the small-small component is of order 10$^{-12}$.
本文开发了一种新的理论方法,用于解决正电子素二体束缚态的狄拉克方程。在此方法中,仅考虑了库仑势能对狄拉克哈密顿量的影响。研究表明,二体狄拉克哈密顿量可以表示为4×4大小的厄米矩阵形式,并在动量态表示中进行对角化。利用谐振子基函数通过变分法得到的对和态与正态正电子素基态能谱的数值结果,与T.C. Scott等人提出的高精度有限元方法所得结果高度一致。通过傅里叶变换至坐标态表示后,对和Ps和正Ps的束缚态波函数在原点处不含有任何奇异性,这与上述提及的方法形成对比。估计基态波函数的大-小和小-大组分的权重约为10$^{-6}$,而小-小组分的权重约为10$^{-12}$。

45. Light-quark mass dependence of the $\Lambda(1405)$ resonanceid:2404.02720:id在线阅读
Xiu-Lei Ren
We present the light-quark mass dependence of the $\Lambda(1405)$ resonance at leading order in a renormalizable framework of covariant chiral effective field theory. The meson-baryon scattering amplitudes, which are obtained by solving the scattering equation within time-ordered perturbation theory, follow the quark mass trajectory of the Coordinated Lattice Simulations consortium. At $M_\pi\approx 200$ MeV and $M_K\approx 487$ MeV, our parameter-free prediction of $\Lambda(1405)$ poles is consistent with the recent lattice results of BaSc Collaboration [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 051901 (2024)]. Varying the pion mass from $135$ MeV to $400$ MeV, we present the evolution of double-pole positions of $\Lambda(1405)$: the higher pole remains a resonance around the $\bar{K}N$ threshold; whereas the lower pole undergoes a transition from resonance to a virtual state, and ultimately to a bound state of the $\pi\Sigma$ system, which could be verified by the forthcoming lattice QCD simulations.
我们展示了在协变手征有效场论的正规化框架中,$\Lambda(1405)$ 共振态在领头阶下对轻夸克质量的依赖性。通过在时间排序微扰理论内求解散射方程获得的介子-重子散射振幅,遵循了协调格点模拟联盟的夸克质量轨迹。在 $M_\pi\approx 200$ MeV 和 $M_K\approx 487$ MeV 时,我们对 $\Lambda(1405)$ 极点的无参数预测与 BaSc 合作组最近的格点结果 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 051901 (2024)] 一致。通过将π介子质量从 $135$ MeV 变化到 $400$ MeV,我们展示了 $\Lambda(1405)$ 双极点位置的演变:较高极点保持在 $\bar{K}N$ 阈值附近的共振态;而较低极点经历从共振态到虚拟态,最终转变为 $\pi\Sigma$ 系统的束缚态,这一过程可通过即将进行的格点QCD模拟得到验证。

46. A semi-analytical $x$-space solution for parton evolution -- Application to non-singlet and singlet DGLAP equationid:2404.18667:id在线阅读
Juliane Haug, Oliver Schüle, Fabian Wunder
We present a novel semi-analytical method for parton evolution. It is based on constructing a family of analytic functions spanning $x$-space which is closed under the considered evolution equation. Using these functions as a basis, the original integro-differential evolution equation transforms into a system of coupled ordinary differential equations, which can be solved numerically by restriction to a suitably chosen finite subsystem. The evolved distributions are obtained as analytic functions in $x$ with numerically obtained coefficients, providing insight into the analytic behavior of the evolved parton distributions. As a proof-of-principle, we apply our method to the leading order non-singlet and singlet DGLAP equation. Comparing our results to traditional Mellin-space methods, we find good agreement. The method is implemented in the code $\texttt{POMPOM}$ in $\texttt{Mathematica}$ as well as in $\texttt{Python}$.

47. Inhomogenuous instabilities at large chemical potential in a rainbow-ladder QCD modelid:2406.00205:id在线阅读
Theo F. Motta, Julian Bernhardt, Michael Buballa, Christian S. Fischer
In this work we continue our efforts to study the existence of a phase with an inhomogeneous, i.e., spatially varying, chiral condensate in QCD. To this end we employ a previously established method of stability analysis of the two-particle irreducible effective action in a truncation that corresponds to a rainbow-ladder approximation of the quark-gluon interaction of QCD. If the analysis is restricted to homogeneous phases, the phase diagram features a first-order chiral transition in the lower-temperature regime. Performing the stability analysis along the lower-chemical-potential border of the corresponding spinodal region, we find that below a certain temperature the homogeneous chirally symmetric solution is unstable against inhomogeneous condensation. We argue that this instability may persist to chemical potentials above the homogeneous first-order phase boundary, in which case it signals the existence of an inhomogeneous ground state. Our methodology is also applicable for more sophisticated truncations of the QCD effective action.

48. BCS in the Sky: Signatures of Inflationary Fermion Condensationid:2304.09428:id在线阅读
Xi Tong, Yi Wang, Chen Zhang, Yuhang Zhu
We consider a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)-like model in the inflationary background. We show that with an axial chemical potential, the attractive quartic fermion self-interaction can lead to a BCS-like condensation. In the rigid-de Sitter (dS) limit of inflation where backreaction from the inflaton and graviton is neglected, we perform the first computation of the non-perturbative effective potential that includes the full spacetime curvature effects in the presence of the chemical potential, subject to the mean-field approximation whose validity has been checked via the Ginzburg criterion. The corresponding BCS phase transition is always first-order, when the varying Hubble is interpreted as an effective Gibbons-Hawking temperature of dS spacetime. In the condensed phase, the theory can be understood from UV and IR sides as fermionic and bosonic, respectively. This leads to distinctive signatures in the primordial non-Gaussianity of curvature perturbations. Namely, the oscillatory cosmological collider signal is smoothly turned off at a finite momentum ratio, since different momentum ratios effectively probe different energy scales. In addition, such BCS phase transitions can also source stochastic gravitational waves, which are feasible for future experiments.

49. Cosmological Correlators Through the Looking Glass: Reality, Parity, and Factorisationid:2309.07769:id在线阅读
David Stefanyszyn, Xi Tong, Yuhang Zhu
We consider the evolution of quantum fields during inflation, and show that the total-energy singularities appearing in the perturbative expansion of the late-time Wavefunction of the Universe are purely real when the external states are massless scalars and massless gravitons. Our proof relies on the tree-level approximation, Bunch-Davies initial conditions, and exact scale invariance (IR-convergence), but without any assumptions on invariance under de Sitter boosts. We consider all $n$-point functions and allow for the exchange of additional states of any mass and integer spin. Our proof makes use of a decomposition of the inflationary bulk-bulk propagator of massive spinning fields which preserves UV-convergence and ensures that the time-ordered contributions are purely real after we rotate to Euclidean time. We use this reality property to show that the maximally-connected parts of wavefunction coefficients, from which total-energy singularities originate, are purely real. In a theory where all states are in the complementary series, this reality extends to the full wavefunction coefficient. We then use our reality theorem to show that parity-odd correlators (correlators that are mirror asymmetric) are factorised and do not diverge when the total-energy is conserved. We pay special attention to the parity-odd four-point function (trispectrum) of inflationary curvature perturbations and use our reality/factorisation theorems to show that this observable is factorised into a product of cubic diagrams thereby enabling us to derive exact shapes. We present examples of couplings between the inflaton and massive spin-1 and spin-2 fields, with the parity-violation in the trispectrum driven by Chern-Simons corrections to the spinning field two-point function, or from parity-violating cubic interactions which we build within the Effective Field Theory of Inflation.

50. Raoul Gatto and Bruno Touschek's joint legacy in the rise of electron-positron physicsid:2311.01293:id在线阅读
Luisa Bonolis (MPIWG, Berlin), Franco Buccella (INFN Rome1), Giulia Pancheri (INFN-LNF and CREF)
Raoul Gatto and Bruno Touschek's collaboration in the establishment of electron positron colliders as a fundamental discovery tool in particle physics will be illustrated. In particular, we will tell the little-known story of how Gatto and Touschek's pioneering vision combined to provide the theoretical foundations for AdA, the first matter-antimatter collider, and how their friendship with Wolfgang Pauli and Gerhard Lüders was crucial to their understanding of the CPT theorem, the basis for AdA's success. We will see how these two exceptional scientists shaped physics between Rome and Frascati, from the proposal to build AdA and, soon after in 1961, the larger machine ADONE, to the discovery of the $J/\Psi$ particle in 1974. We will also highlight Gatto and Touschek's contribution in mentoring an extraordinary cohort of students and collaborators whose work contributed to the renaissance of Italian theoretical physics after the Second World War and to the establishment of the Standard Model of particle physics.

51. Strategies for simulating time evolution of Hamiltonian lattice field theoriesid:2312.11637:id在线阅读
Siddharth Hariprakash, Neel S. Modi, Michael Kreshchuk, Christopher F. Kane, Christian W Bauer
Simulating the time evolution of quantum field theories given some Hamiltonian $H$ requires developing algorithms for implementing the unitary operator e^{-iHt}. A variety of techniques exist that accomplish this task, with the most common technique used so far being Trotterization, which is a special case of the application of a product formula. However, other techniques exist that promise better asymptotic scaling in certain parameters of the theory being simulated, the most efficient of which are based on the concept of block encoding.
In this work we study the performance of such algorithms in simulating lattice field theories. We derive and compare the asymptotic gate complexities of several commonly used simulation techniques in application to Hamiltonian Lattice Field Theories. Using the scalar \phi^4 theory as a test, we also perform numerical studies and compare the gate costs required by Product Formulas and Signal Processing based techniques to simulate time evolution. For the latter, we use the the Linear Combination of Unitaries construction augmented with the Quantum Fourier Transform circuit to switch between the field and momentum eigenbases, which leads to immediate order-of-magnitude improvement in the cost of preparing the block encoding.
The paper also includes a pedagogical review of utilized techniques, in particular Product Formulas, LCU, Qubitization, QSP, as well as a technique we call HHKL based on its inventors' names.

52. Fast neutrino flavor conversions in a supernova: Emergence, evolution, and effectsid:2402.19252:id在线阅读
Zewei Xiong, Meng-Ru Wu, Manu George, Chun-Yu Lin, Noshad Khosravi Largani, Tobias Fischer, Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo
Fast flavor conversions (FFCs) of neutrinos, which can occur in core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), are multiangle effects. They depend on the angular distribution of the neutrino's electron lepton number (ELN). In this work, we present a comprehensive study of the FFCs by solving the multienergy and multiangle quantum kinetic equations with an extended set of collisional weak processes based on a static and spherically symmetric CCSN matter background profile. We investigate the emergence and evolution of FFCs in models featuring different ELN angular distributions, considering scenarios with two and three neutrino flavors. The spectrogram method is utilized to illustrate the small-scale spatial structure, and we show that this structure of neutrino flavor coherence and number densities in the nonlinear regime is qualitatively consistent with the dispersion relation analysis. On the coarse-grained level, we find that different asymptotic states can be achieved following the FFCs depending on the locations and shapes of the ELN distributions, despite sharing a common feature of the elimination of the ELN angular crossing. While equilibration among different neutrino flavors may be achieved immediately after the prompt FFCs, it is not a general outcome of the asymptotic state, as subsequent feedback effects from collisional neutrino-matter interactions come into play, particularly for cases where FFCs occur inside the neutrinosphere. The impacts of FFCs and the feedback effect on the net neutrino heating rates, the equilibrium electron fraction of CCSN matter, and the free-streaming neutrino energy spectra are quantitatively assessed. Other aspects including the impact of the vacuum term and the coexistence with other type of flavor instabilities are also discussed.

53. Neural Simulation-Based Inference of the Neutron Star Equation of State directly from Telescope Spectraid:2403.00287:id在线阅读
Len Brandes, Chirag Modi, Aishik Ghosh, Delaney Farrell, Lee Lindblom, Lukas Heinrich, Andrew W. Steiner, Fridolin Weber, Daniel Whiteson
Neutron stars provide a unique opportunity to study strongly interacting matter under extreme density conditions. The intricacies of matter inside neutron stars and their equation of state are not directly visible, but determine bulk properties, such as mass and radius, which affect the star's thermal X-ray emissions. However, the telescope spectra of these emissions are also affected by the stellar distance, hydrogen column, and effective surface temperature, which are not always well-constrained. Uncertainties on these nuisance parameters must be accounted for when making a robust estimation of the equation of state. In this study, we develop a novel methodology that, for the first time, can infer the full posterior distribution of both the equation of state and nuisance parameters directly from telescope observations. This method relies on the use of neural likelihood estimation, in which normalizing flows use samples of simulated telescope data to learn the likelihood of the neutron star spectra as a function of these parameters, coupled with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods to efficiently sample from the corresponding posterior distribution. Our approach surpasses the accuracy of previous methods, improves the interpretability of the results by providing access to the full posterior distribution, and naturally scales to a growing number of neutron star observations expected in the coming years.

54. Observational Constraints on the Dark Energy with a Quadratic Equation of Stateid:2403.02000:id在线阅读
Hossein Moshafi, Alireza Talebian, Ebrahim Yusofi, Eleonora Di Valentino
In this study, we introduce a novel late-time effective dark energy model characterized by a quadratic equation of state (EoS) and rigorously examine its observational constraints. Initially, we delve into the background dynamics of this model, tracing the evolution of fluctuations in linear order. Our approach involves substituting the conventional cosmological constant with a dynamically effective dark energy fluid. Leveraging a diverse array of observational datasets encompassing the Planck 2018 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), Type Ia Supernovae (SNe), Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), and a prior on the Hubble constant $H_0$ (R21), we constrain the model parameters. We establish the model's consistency by comparing the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift against observational Hubble data (OHD), benchmarking its performance against the Standard $\Lambda$CDM model. Additionally, our investigation delves into studies of the model's dynamical behavior by computing cosmological parameters such as the deceleration parameter, relative Hubble parameter, and the evolution of the Hubble rate. Furthermore, employing Bayesian analysis, we determine the Bayesian Evidence for our proposed model compared to the reference $\Lambda$CDM model. While our analysis unveils the favorable behavior of the model in various observational tests, the well-known cosmological tensions persist when the full dataset combination is explored.
在本项研究中,我们提出了一种新颖的晚期有效暗能量模型,该模型以二次方程状态方程(EoS)为特征,并严格检验了其观测约束。首先,我们深入探讨了该模型的背景动力学,追踪了线性阶次波动的发展。我们的方法涉及将传统的宇宙常数替换为动态有效的暗能量流体。利用包括Planck 2018宇宙微波背景(CMB)、Ia型超新星(SNe)、重子声学振荡(BAO)以及哈勃常数$H_0$(R21)先验在内的多样化观测数据集,我们对模型参数进行了约束。通过将红移函数下的哈勃参数与观测哈勃数据(OHD)进行比较,我们验证了模型的相容性,并将其性能与标准$\Lambda$CDM模型进行了基准测试。此外,我们的研究还通过计算减速参数、相对哈勃参数和哈勃速率演变等宇宙参数,深入探讨了模型的动态行为。进一步地,我们运用贝叶斯分析,确定了与参考$\Lambda$CDM模型相比,我们提出的模型的贝叶斯证据。尽管我们的分析揭示了该模型在各种观测测试中的有利表现,但在全面探索数据集组合时,众所周知的宇宙学张力依然存在。

55. Inclusive hadronic decay rate of the $\tau$ lepton from lattice QCD: the $\bar u s$ flavour channel and the Cabibbo angleid:2403.05404:id在线阅读
C. Alexandrou, S. Bacchio, A. De Santis, A. Evangelista, J. Finkenrath, R. Frezzotti, G. Gagliardi, M. Garofalo, B. Kostrzewa, V. Lubicz, S. Romiti, F. Sanfilippo, S. Simula, N. Tantalo, C. Urbach, U. Wenger
We present a lattice determination of the inclusive decay rate of the process $\tau\mapsto X_{us} \nu_\tau$ in which the $\tau$ lepton decays into a generic hadronic state $X_{us}$ with $\bar u s$ flavour quantum numbers. Our results have been obtained in $n_f=2+1+1$ iso-symmetric QCD with full non-perturbative accuracy, without any OPE approximation and, except for the presently missing long-distance isospin-breaking corrections, include a solid estimate of all sources of theoretical uncertainties. This has been possible by using the Hansen-Lupo-Tantalo method [1] that we have already successfully applied in [2] to compute the inclusive decay rate of the process $\tau\mapsto X_{ud} \nu_\tau$ in the $\bar u d$ flavour channel. By combining our first-principles theoretical results with the presently-available experimental data we extract the CKM matrix element $\vert V_{us}\vert$, the Cabibbo angle, with a $0.9$\% accuracy, dominated by the experimental error.
我们提出了一种格点计算方法,用于确定$\tau$轻子衰变过程$\tau\mapsto X_{us} \nu_\tau$的总衰变率,其中$\tau$轻子衰变为具有$\bar u s$味量子数的一般强子态$X_{us}$。我们的结果是在具有$n_f=2+1+1$同位旋对称性的QCD中得到的,具有完全的非微扰精确度,无需任何算符乘积展开(OPE)近似,并且除了目前缺失的长程同位旋破缺修正外,还包括了对所有理论不确定性的坚实估计。这一成就是通过使用Hansen-Lupo-Tantalo方法[1]实现的,该方法我们已经在[2]中成功应用于计算$\tau$轻子衰变过程$\tau\mapsto X_{ud} \nu_\tau$在$\bar u d$味通道的总衰变率。通过将我们的第一性原理理论结果与目前可用的实验数据相结合,我们提取了CKM矩阵元$|\vert V_{us}\vert|$,即卡比博角,其精确度为$0.9\%$,主要受限于实验误差。

56. Nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double-beta decay in covariant density functional theory with different mechanismsid:2403.17722:id在线阅读
C. R. Ding, Gang Li, J. M. Yao
Nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) for neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay in candidate nuclei play a crucial role in interpreting results from current experiments and in designing future ones. Accurate NME values serve as important nuclear inputs for constraining parameters in new physics, such as neutrino mass and the Wilson coefficients of lepton-number-violating (LNV) operators. In this study, we present a comprehensive calculation of NMEs for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay in $^{76}$Ge, $^{82}$Se, $^{100}$Mo, $^{130}$Te, and $^{136}$Xe, using nuclear wave functions obtained from multi-reference covariant density functional theory (MR-CDFT). We employ three types of transition potentials at the leading order in chiral effective field theory. Our results, along with recent data, are utilized to constrain the coefficients of LNV operators. The results demonstrate that the combined NMEs based on the Feynman diagrams at the hadronic scale for the nonstandard mechanisms leads to the uncertainty by different nuclear models comparable to that for the standard mechanism. The use of NMEs from various nuclear models does not dramatically change the parameter space intervals for the coefficients, although MR-CDFT yields the most stringent constraint. Furthermore, our NMEs can also be used to perform a more comprehensive analysis with multiple isotopes.

57. Hybrid inflation from supersymmetry breakingid:2404.05269:id在线阅读
Yermek Aldabergenov, Ignatios Antoniadis, Auttakit Chatrabhuti, Hiroshi Isono
We extend a recently proposed framework, dubbed inflation by supersymmetry breaking, to hybrid inflation by introducing a waterfall field that allows to decouple the supersymmetry breaking scale in the observable sector from the inflation scale, while keeping intact the inflation sector and its successful predictions: naturally small slow-roll parameters, small field initial conditions and absence of the pseudo-scalar companion of the inflaton, in terms of one free parameter which is the first order correction to the inflaton Kähler potential. During inflation, supersymmetry is spontaneously broken with the inflaton being the superpartner of the goldstino, together with a massive vector that gauges the R-symmetry. Inflation arises around the maximum of the scalar potential at the origin where R-symmetry is unbroken. Moreover, a nearby minimum with tuneable vacuum energy can be accommodated by introducing a second order correction to the Kähler potential. The inflaton sector can also play the role of the supersymmetry breaking 'hidden' sector when coupled to the (supersymmetric) Standard Model, predicting a superheavy superparticle spectrum near the inflation scale. Here we show that the introduction of a waterfall field provides a natural way to end inflation and allows for a scale separation between supersymmetry breaking and inflation. Moreover, the study of the global vacuum describing low energy Standard Model physics can be done in a perturbative way within a region of the parameter space of the model.

58. First constraints on the $L_\mu-L_\tau$ explanation of the muon $g-2$ anomaly from NA64-$e$ at CERNid:2404.06982:id在线阅读
Yu. M. Andreev, A. Antonov, D. Banerjee, B. Banto Oberhauser, J. Bernhard, P. Bisio, A. Celentano, N. Charitonidis, D. Cooke, P. Crivelli, E. Depero, A. V. Dermenev, S. V. Donskov, R. R. Dusaev, T. Enik, V. N. Frolov, A. Gardikiotis, S. N. Gninenko, M. Hösgen, V. A. Kachanov, Y. Kambar, A. E. Karneyeu, G. Kekelidze, B. Ketzer, D. V. Kirpichnikov, M. M. Kirsanov, V. N. Kolosov, S. V. Gertsenberger, S. Girod, E. A. Kasianova, V. A. Kramarenko, L. V. Kravchuk, N. V. Krasnikov, S. V. Kuleshov, V. E. Lyubovitskij, V. Lysan, A. Marini, L. Marsicano, V. A. Matveev, R. Mena Fredes, R. Mena Yanssen, L. Molina Bueno, M. Mongillo, D. V. Peshekhonov, V. A. Polyakov, B. Radics, K. Salamatin, V. D. Samoylenko, H. Sieber, D. Shchukin, O. Soto, V. O. Tikhomirov, I. Tlisova, A. N. Toropin, M. Tuzi, P. Ulloa, P. V. Volkov, V. Yu. Volkov, I. V. Voronchikhin, J. Zamora-Saá, A. S. Zhevlako
The inclusion of an additional $U(1)$ gauge $L_\mu-L_\tau$ symmetry would release the tension between the measured and the predicted value of the anomalous muon magnetic moment: this paradigm assumes the existence of a new, light $Z^\prime$ vector boson, with dominant coupling to $\mu$ and $\tau$ leptons and interacting with electrons via a loop mechanism. The $L_\mu-L_\tau$ model can also explain the Dark Matter relic abundance, by assuming that the $Z'$ boson acts as a ``portal'' to a new Dark Sector of particles in Nature, not charged under known interactions. In this work we present the results of the $Z'$ search performed by the NA64-$e$ experiment at CERN SPS, that collected $\sim 9\times10^{11}$ 100 GeV electrons impinging on an active thick target. Despite the suppressed $Z'$ production yield with an electron beam, NA64-$e$ provides the first accelerator-based results excluding the $g-2$ preferred band of the $Z'$ parameter space in the 1 keV $ < m_{Z'} \lesssim 2$ MeV range, in complementarity with the limits recently obtained by the NA64-$\mu$ experiment with a muon beam.
引入额外的$U(1)$规范$L_\mu-L_\tau$对称性可以缓解测量值与预测值之间在μ子磁矩异常上的张力:这一范式假设存在一种新的、轻质的$Z^\prime$矢量玻色子,其主要耦合于μ子和τ子,并通过环机制与电子相互作用。$L_\mu-L_\tau$模型还能通过假设$Z^\prime$玻色子作为连接自然中新暗粒子领域的“门户”,来解释暗物质遗迹丰度,这些暗粒子不受已知相互作用的影响。本研究展示了CERN SPS的NA64-$e$实验在$Z^\prime$搜索方面的结果,该实验收集了约$9\times10^{11}$个100 GeV的电子撞击在一个活性厚靶上。尽管电子束产生的$Z^\prime$产量受到抑制,NA64-$e$仍提供了首个基于加速器的结果,排除了$Z^\prime$参数空间中1 keV $< m_{Z^\prime} \lesssim 2$ MeV范围内与$g-2$偏好的带状区域,这与最近使用μ子束的NA64-$\mu$实验得到的限制相辅相成。

59. Discrete $Z_4$ symmetry in quantum gravityid:2406.00718:id在线阅读
G.E. Volovik
We consider the discrete $Z_4$ symmetry ${\hat {\bf i}}$, which takes place in the scenario of quantum gravity where the gravitational tetrads emerge as the order parameter. Under this symmetry operation $\hat {\bf i}$, the emerging tetrads are multiplied by the imaginary unit, $\hat {\bf i}\,e^a_\mu = - i e^a_\mu$. The existence of such symmetry and the spontaneous breaking of this symmetry are also supported by the consideration of the symmetry breaking scheme in the topological superfluid $^3$He-B. The order parameter $^3$He-B is the analogue of the tetrad field, but it has complex values. The $\hat {\bf i}$-symmetry operation changes the phase of the complex order parameter by $\pi/2$, which corresponds to the $Z_4$ discrete symmetry in quantum gravity. We also considered the alternative scenario of the breaking of this $Z_4$ symmetry, in which the $\hat {\bf i}$-operation changes sign of the scalar curvature, $\hat {\bf i} \,{\cal R} = - {\cal R}$, and thus the Einstein-Hilbert action violates the $\hat {\bf i}$-symmetry. In the alternative scenario of symmetry breaking, the gravitational coupling $K=1/16\pi G$ plays the role of the order parameter, which changes sign under $\hat {\bf i}$-transformation.
我们考虑离散的$Z_4$对称性${\hat {\bf i}}$,该对称性在量子引力场景中出现,其中引力场强作为序参量显现。在这种对称性操作$\hat {\bf i}$下,显现的场强被乘以虚数单位,即$\hat {\bf i}\,e^a_\mu = - i e^a_\mu$。这种对称性的存在及其自发破缺也得到了拓扑超流$^3$He-B中对称性破缺方案的考虑支持。序参量$^3$He-B是场强场的类比,但它具有复数值。$\hat {\bf i}$对称性操作将复序参量的相位改变$\pi/2$,这对应于量子引力中的$Z_4$离散对称性。我们还考虑了这种$Z_4$对称性破缺的替代场景,其中$\hat {\bf i}$操作改变了标量曲率符号,即$\hat {\bf i} \,{\cal R} = - {\cal R}$,因此爱因斯坦-希尔伯特作用违反了$\hat {\bf i}$对称性。在替代的对称性破缺场景中,引力耦合$K=1/16\pi G$扮演了序参量的角色,它在$\hat {\bf i}$变换下改变符号。