0. Mass Prediction of the Weak and Higgs Bosons Using the Massless Spin-Exchange Preons Model: An Alternative to the Higgs Mechanism in Yang-Mills Theoryid:2410.13902:id在线阅读
Jau Tang, Qiang Tang
We modify the Yang-Mills model using massless preon pairs to describe the photon isospin singlet and the Z and W bosons. Unlike the Higgs mechanism, which depends on a scalar field, our model employs Gell-Mann generators, revealing that the masses of W and Z bosons arise from the internal dynamics of chiral preon pairs. With no adjustable parameters, we predict 0.87 (experimental value: 0.88), a Weinberg angle of 30° (vs. 29°), and a decay width ratio of 0.87 (vs. 0.84). Additionally, we find (vs. 1.56) for the Higgs boson. Our approach introduces a curl operator leading to chirality, characterized by a topological structure of Möbius tori, providing new insights into particle interactions and challenging existing theoretical paradigms.
我们用无质量前子对修改了杨-米尔斯模型,以描述光子等空单子以及 Z 和 W 玻色子。与依赖于标量场的希格斯机制不同,我们的模型采用了盖尔-曼发生器,揭示了 W 和 Z 玻色子的质量来自手性前子对的内部动力学。在不调整参数的情况下,我们预测 W 和 Z 玻色子的质量为 0.87(实验值:0.88),温伯格角为 30°(对比:29°),衰变宽度比为 0.87(对比:0.84)。此外,我们还发现希格斯玻色子的衰变宽度为 1.56(实验值为 1.56)。我们的方法引入了一个导致手性的卷曲算子,以莫比乌斯环的拓扑结构为特征,为粒子相互作用提供了新的见解,并对现有的理论范式提出了挑战。

1. Application of Machine Learning Based Top Quark and W Jet Tagging to Hadronic Four-Top Final States Induced by SM and BSM Processesid:2410.13904:id在线阅读
Jiří Kvita, Petr Baroň, Monika Machalová, Radek Přívara, Rostislav Vodák, Jan Tomeček
We apply both cut-based and machine learning techniques using the same inputs to the challenge of hadronic jet substructure recognition, utilizing classical subjettiness variables within the Delphes parameterized detector simulation framework. We focus on jets generated in simulated proton-proton collisions, identifying those consistent with the decay signatures of top quarks or W bosons. Such jets are employed in four-top quark events in fully hadronic final states stemming from both the Standard Model as well as from a new physics process of a hypothetical scalar resonance y0 decaying into a pair of top quarks. We reconstruct the resonance invariant mass and compare it properties over the falling background using the two tagging approaches, with implications to LHC searches.
我们利用德尔菲斯参数化探测器模拟框架内的经典子喷流变量,将基于切割的技术和机器学习技术应用于相同输入的强子喷流子结构识别挑战。我们将重点放在模拟质子-质子碰撞中产生的射流上,识别那些与顶夸克或W玻色子衰变特征相一致的射流。这种射流被用于标准模型以及假想标量共振 y0 衰变为一对顶夸克的新物理过程中完全强子终态的四顶夸克事件。我们重建了共振不变质量,并使用两种标记方法比较了它在下降背景中的特性,这对大型强子对撞机的搜索具有重要意义。

2. Dark Matter Interactions in White Dwarfs: A Multi-Energy Approach to Capture Mechanismsid:2410.13908:id在线阅读
Jaime Hoefken Zink, Shihwen Hor, Maura E. Ramirez-Quezada
White dwarfs offer a compelling avenue for probing interactions of dark matter particles, particularly in the challenging sub-GeV mass regime. The constraints derived from these celestial objects strongly depend on the existence of high dark matter densities in the corresponding regions of the Universe, where white dwarfs are observed. This implies that excluding the parameter space using local white dwarfs would present a significant challenge, primarily due to the low dark matter density in the solar neighbourhood. This limitation prompts the exploration of alternative scenarios involving dark matter particles with a diverse spectrum of kinetic energies. In this work, we investigate how these dark matter particles traverse the star, interact with stellar matter, and ultimately get captured. To accomplish this, we approximate the dark matter flux as a delta function and inspired on the Three Portal Model, we assume that fermionic dark matter interacts with stellar matter either through a broken $U(1)$ gauge vector mediator or a scalar. In our computations, we consider how interactions might vary across different energy regimes, from high-energy deep inelastic scattering and inelastic scatterings via the production of $N-$ and $\Delta-$ resonances to lower-energy elastic interactions with nucleons and nuclei. Our study models these inelastic resonant interactions with dark matter and vector or scalar mediators for the very first time. We provide insights into the specific conditions required for successfully boosted dark matter capture in white dwarfs. We found that, in general, dark matter capture is most likely to occur at low energies, as expected. However, in the high-energy regime, there remains a small window for capture through resonant and deep inelastic scattering processes.
白矮星为探测暗物质粒子的相互作用提供了一个引人注目的途径,尤其是在具有挑战性的亚GeV质量体系中。从这些天体得出的约束条件在很大程度上取决于宇宙中相应区域是否存在高暗物质密度,而白矮星正是在这些区域被观测到的。这意味着利用本地白矮星排除参数空间将是一个巨大的挑战,这主要是由于太阳附近的暗物质密度较低。这一局限性促使我们探索涉及具有不同动能谱的暗物质粒子的替代方案。在这项工作中,我们研究了这些暗物质粒子如何穿越恒星,与恒星物质相互作用,并最终被俘获。为此,我们将暗物质通量近似为一个三角函数,并受三门户模型的启发,假设费米子暗物质通过一个破碎的 $U(1)$ gauge vector mediator 或一个标量与恒星物质相互作用。在我们的计算中,我们考虑了相互作用在不同能量区的变化,从高能深非弹性散射和通过产生$N-$和$\Delta-$共振的非弹性散射,到与核子和原子核的低能弹性相互作用。我们的研究首次模拟了这些与暗物质和矢量或标量介质的非弹性共振相互作用。我们深入了解了在白矮星中成功俘获暗物质所需的特定条件。我们发现,一般来说,暗物质俘获最有可能发生在低能段,这也是预料之中的。然而,在高能机制中,通过共振和深非弹性散射过程俘获暗物质的窗口仍然很小。

3. How large could CP violation in neutral $B$ meson mixing be? Implications for baryogenesis and upcoming searchesid:2410.13936:id在线阅读
Carlos Miró, Miguel Escudero, Miguel Nebot
CP violation in neutral $B$ meson oscillations is an experimental observable that could be directly related to the baryon asymmetry of the Universe through the $B$-Mesogenesis mechanism. As this phenomenon is highly suppressed in the Standard Model, it could also be a sensitive probe for many new physics scenarios that modify neutral meson mixing. Motivated by these facts, and the timely $B$ physics program at the LHC and Belle II, we analyze how large CP violation in the mixing of neutral $B_d$ and $B_s$ meson systems could be. We answer this question, in light of current experimental data, within three different scenarios, namely: (i) generic heavy new physics only affecting the mass mixing $M_{12}^q$, (ii) vector-like quark extensions that introduce deviations of 3$\times$3 CKM unitarity, and (iii) light new physics modifying the decay mixing $\Gamma_{12}^q$. We find that enhancements of the semileptonic asymmetries, that measure the amount of CP violation in mixing, at the level of $10^{-3}$ for the $B_d$ system and $10^{-4}$ for the $B_s$ system can be achieved within scenarios (i) and (ii), while they are much more suppressed in realistic UV completions triggering scenario (iii). With respect to cosmology, the difficulty of finding large CP asymmetries in our analysis puts the $B$-Mesogenesis mechanism in tension. Finally, we conclude that upcoming experimental searches for CP violation in $B$ meson mixing at LHCb and Belle II are unlikely to detect a new physics signal for the most generic models.
中性B介子振荡中的CP违反是一种实验可观测到的现象,它可能通过B介子生成机制与宇宙的重子不对称直接相关。由于这一现象在标准模型中被高度抑制,它也可以成为许多改变中性介子混合的新物理情景的灵敏探测器。受这些事实以及大型强子对撞机和贝利二号的及时$B$物理计划的激励,我们分析了中性$B_d$和$B_s$介子系统混合中的CP违反可能有多大。我们根据当前的实验数据,在三种不同的情况下回答了这个问题,即:(i) 仅影响质量混合的一般重新物理$M_{12}^q$,(ii) 引入了3$\times$3 CKM统一性偏差的类矢量夸克扩展,以及(iii) 改变衰变混合的轻新物理$\Gamma_{12}^q$。我们发现,在情景(i)和(ii)中,可以实现半轻子不对称的增强,即测量混合中的CP违反量,在$B_d$系统中达到$10^{-3}$的水平,在$B_s$系统中达到$10^{-4}$的水平,而在触发情景(iii)的现实紫外完备性中,半轻子不对称被抑制得更厉害。在宇宙学方面,在我们的分析中很难发现大的 CP 不对称现象,这使得 $B$-Mesogenesis 机制处于紧张状态。最后,我们得出结论,即将在大型强子对撞机(LHCb)和贝尔二号(Belle II)上对B$介子混合中的CP违反进行的实验搜索不太可能为最一般的模型探测到新的物理信号。

4. Displaced Searches for Axion-Like Particles and Heavy Neutral Leptons at Mu3eid:2410.13941:id在线阅读
Simon Knapen, Toby Opferkuch, Diego Redigolo, Michele Tammaro
We present strategies for the Mu3e experiment to search for light, weakly coupled particles produced in rare muon decays, focusing on displaced $e^+e^-$ decays within the hollow target. In most scenarios the backgrounds can be fully suppressed with a suitable set of cuts. We furthermore quantify the interplay between displaced and prompt searches at Mu3e and existing constraints, showing how Mu3e has a unique opportunity to probe unexplored parameter space.

5. MACK: Mismodeling Addressed with Contrastive Knowledgeid:2410.13947:id在线阅读
Liam Rankin Sheldon, Dylan Sheldon Rankin, Philip Harris
The use of machine learning methods in high energy physics typically relies on large volumes of precise simulation for training. As machine learning models become more complex they can become increasingly sensitive to differences between this simulation and the real data collected by experiments. We present a generic methodology based on contrastive learning which is able to greatly mitigate this negative effect. Crucially, the method does not require prior knowledge of the specifics of the mismodeling. While we demonstrate the efficacy of this technique using the task of jet-tagging at the Large Hadron Collider, it is applicable to a wide array of different tasks both in and out of the field of high energy physics.

6. Investigation of Mass and Decay Characteristics of the All-light Tetraquarkid:2410.14246:id在线阅读
Chetan Lodha, Ajay Kumar Rai
We investigate the mass spectra and decay properties of pions and all light tetraquarks using both semi-relativistic and non-relativistic frameworks. By applying a Cornell-like potential and a spin-dependent potential, we generate the mass spectra. The decay properties of tetraquarks are evaluated using the annihilation model and the spectator model. Potential tetraquark candidates are interpreted for quantum numbers $J^{PC} = 0^{++}, 0^{-+}, 1^{-+}, 1^{+-}, 1^{--}, 2^{+-}, 2^{-+},$ and $2^{--}$. Additionally, we compare our results with existing experimental data and theoretical predictions to validate our findings. This study aims to enhance the understanding of tetraquarks in the light-light sector.
我们利用半相对论和非相对论框架研究了离子和所有轻四夸克的质量谱和衰变特性。通过应用类似康奈尔势和自旋相关势,我们生成了质量谱。利用湮灭模型和旁观者模型评估了四夸克的衰变特性。对量子数 $J^{PC} = 0^{++}, 0^{-+}, 1^{-+}, 1^{+-}, 1^{--}, 2^{+-}, 2^{-+}, $ 和 $2^{--}$ 的潜在四夸克候选体进行了解释。此外,我们还将研究结果与现有的实验数据和理论预测进行了比较,以验证我们的发现。这项研究旨在加深人们对光-光部门中四夸克的理解。

7. Degenerate scalar scenario of two Higgs doublet model with a complex singlet scalarid:2410.14328:id在线阅读
Gi-Chol Cho, Chikako Idegawa
We study the two Higgs doublet model with a complex singlet scalar whose imaginary part acts as a dark matter (DM). The scattering of DM and quarks, mediated by three CP-even scalars in this model, is suppressed when masses of CP-even scalars are degenerate; that is called the ``degenerate scalar scenario''. Based on this scenario, we show that the strong first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) can be achieved without conflicting with constraints from the DM relic density and the direct detection experiments. We also discuss a shift of scalar trilinear coupling from the Standard Model prediction, which could be a test of this model in collider experiments.
我们研究了具有复杂单子标量的双希格斯双t模型,该标量的虚部充当暗物质(DM)。在这个模型中,DM 和夸克的散射由三个 CP 偶合标量介导,当 CP 偶合标量的质量变性时,DM 和夸克的散射被抑制;这被称为 "变性标量情景"''。基于这种情况,我们证明了强一阶电弱相变(EWPT)是可以实现的,而不会与DM遗迹密度和直接探测实验的约束相冲突。我们还讨论了标量三线性耦合与标准模型预言的偏移,这可能是对撞机实验对这一模型的检验。

8. $D^0\overline{D^0}$ mixing from nonlocal condensate contributionsid:2410.14382:id在线阅读
Lovro Dulibić, Blaženka Melić, Alexey Petrov
A significant discrepancy, spanning multiple orders of magnitude, exists between the leading order contribution to the $D^0\overline{D^0}$ mixing parameters and experimental values. This is largely due to the Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani (GIM) mechanism, which results in substantial suppression of the theoretical predictions. To bridge this gap, various efforts have been made to account for higher-order terms and nonperturbative effects, which, although suppressed in the operator product expansion (OPE), could potentially lead to a larger contribution by weakening the GIM cancellation through flavour SU(3) symmetry breaking. In this work, we compute the long-distance contributions of nonlocal QCD condensates within different models and, for the first time, determine the impact of the mixed condensate. Although our results still fall short of the experimental value, they represent an improvement over current theoretical estimates by an order of magnitude.
对 $D^0\overline{D^0}$混合参数的前导阶贡献与实验值之间存在着跨越多个数量级的巨大差异。这主要是由于格拉肖-伊利奥普洛斯-马雅尼(GIM)机制造成的,该机制导致理论预测被大幅抑制。为了弥合这一差距,我们做了各种努力来考虑高阶项和非扰动效应,尽管它们在算子乘积展开(OPE)中被抑制了,但可能会通过风味 SU(3) 对称性破缺来削弱 GIM 抵消,从而导致更大的贡献。在这项工作中,我们计算了不同模型中非局域 QCD 凝聚态的远距离贡献,并首次确定了混合凝聚态的影响。尽管我们的结果与实验值仍有差距,但比目前的理论估计值提高了一个数量级。

9. Nature of X(3872) from recent BESIII data: Considering the universal feature of an S-wave threshold resonanceid:2410.14521:id在线阅读
Xian-Wei Kang, Jin-Zhe Zhang, Xin-Heng Guo
We analyze the recent data from the BESIII collaboration on the $X(3872)$ state in the $J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-$ and $D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0$ decay channels. The quantum number and mass of the $X(3872)$ state allow us to exploit the universal feature of the very near-threshold $D\bar D^*$ scattering in the $S$ wave. The analysis of $J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-$ data and $D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0$ data separately as well as the combined analysis of these data together, all support the conclusion that $X(3872)$ is an extremely weakly bound charm meson molecule.
我们分析了BESIII合作项目最近关于$X(3872)$态在$J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-$和$D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0$衰变通道中的数据。X(3872)$态的量子数和质量使我们能够利用$S$波中非常接近阈值的$D\bar D^*$散射的普遍特征。对$J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-$数据和$D^0\bar{D}^0\pi^0$数据的分别分析,以及对这些数据的综合分析,都支持了$X(3872)$是一个极弱束缚的符介子分子的结论。

10. $\widetilde{\tau}$ searches at future e$^+$e$^-$ collidersid:2410.14622:id在线阅读
Mikael Berggren, Maria Teresa Núñez Pardo de Vera, Jenny List
The direct pair-production of the superpartner of the $\tau$-lepton, the $\widetilde{\tau}$, is one of the most interesting channels to search for SUSY in: the $\widetilde{\tau}$ is likely to be the lightest of the scalar leptons, and is one of the most experimentally chalanging ones. The current model-independent $\widetilde{\tau}$ limits come from LEP, while limits obtained at the LHC do extend to higher masses, but are model-dependent. The future Higgs factories will be powerful facilities for SUSY searches, offering advantages with respect to previous electron-positron colliders as well as to hadron machines. In order to quantify the capabilities of these future $e^+e^-$ colliders, the "worst-case" scenario for $\widetilde{\tau}$ exclusion/discovery has been studied, taking into account the effect of the $\widetilde{\tau}$ mixing on $\widetilde{\tau}$ production cross-section and detection efficiency. To evaluate the latter, the ILD concept, originally developed for the International Linear Collider (ILC), and the ILC beam conditions at a centre-of-mass energy of 500 GeV have been used for detailed simulations. The obtained exclusion and discovery reaches extend to only a few GeV below the kinematic limit even in the worst-case scenario.
$\tau$-轻子的超伙伴--$\widetilde{\tau}$--的直接成对产生,是搜索SUSY最有趣的通道之一:$\widetilde{\tau}$可能是标量轻子中最轻的,也是最有实验意义的。目前与模型无关的 $\widetilde{\tau}$ 限制来自 LEP,而在大型强子对撞机上获得的限制确实延伸到了更高的质量,但与模型有关。未来的希格斯工厂将是SUSY搜索的强大设施,与以前的电子-正电子对撞机以及强子机器相比具有优势。为了量化这些未来的$e^+e^-$对撞机的能力,考虑到$\widetilde{/tau}$混合对$\widetilde{/tau}$产生截面和探测效率的影响,对$\widetilde{/tau}$排除/发现的"最坏情况"情景进行了研究。为了评估后者,详细模拟使用了最初为国际直线对撞机(ILC)开发的ILD概念,以及ILC在500 GeV质量中心能量下的束流条件。即使在最坏的情况下,所获得的排除和发现范围也只比运动极限低几个 GeV。
The results of the detailed simulation study are then discussed in view of the experimental environment of other proposed Higgs factory projects.

11. First constraints on general neutrino interactions based on KATRIN dataid:2410.13895:id在线阅读
M. Aker, D. Batzler, A. Beglarian, J. Beisenkötter, M. Biassoni, B. Bieringer, Y. Biondi, F. Block, B. Bornschein, L. Bornschein, M. Böttcher, M. Carminati, A. Chatrabhuti, S. Chilingaryan, B. A. Daniel, M. Descher, D. Díaz Barrero, P. J. Doe, O. Dragoun, G. Drexlin, F. Edzards, K. Eitel, E. Ellinger, R. Engel, S. Enomoto, A. Felden, C. Fengler, C. Fiorini, J. A. Formaggio, C. Forstner, F. M. Fränkle, G. Gagliardi, K. Gauda, A. S. Gavin, W. Gil, F. Glück, R. Grössle, N. Gutknecht, V. Hannen, L. Hasselmann, K. Helbing, H. Henke, S. Heyns, R. Hiller, D. Hillesheimer, D. Hinz, T. Höhn, A. Huber, A. Jansen, K. Khosonthongkee, C. Köhler, L. Köllenberger, A. Kopmann, N. Kovač, L. La Cascio, T. Lasserre, J. Lauer, T. L. Le, O. Lebeda, B. Lehnert, G. Li, A. Lokhov, M. Machatschek, M. Mark, A. Marsteller, K. McMichael, C. Melzer, S. Mertens, S. Mohanty, J. Mostafa, K. Müller, A. Nava, H. Neumann, S. Niemes, A. Onillon, D. S. Parno, M. Pavan, U. Pinsook, A. W. P. Poon, J. M. L. Poyato, F. Priester, J. Ráliš, S. Ramachandran, R. G. H. Robertson, C. Rodenbeck, M. Röllig, R. Sack, A. Saenz, R. Salomon, P. Schäfer, K. Schlösser, M. Schlösser, L. Schlüter, S. Schneidewind, M. Schrank, J. Schürmann, A.K. Schütz, A. Schwemmer, A. Schwenck, M. Šefčík
The precision measurement of the tritium $\beta$-decay spectrum performed by the KATRIN experiment provides a unique way to search for general neutrino interactions (GNI). All theoretical allowed GNI terms involving neutrinos are incorporated into a low-energy effective field theory, and can be identified by specific signatures in the measured tritium $\beta$-spectrum. In this paper an effective description of the impact of GNI on the $\beta$-spectrum is formulated and the first constraints on the effective GNI parameters are derived based on the 4 Mio. electrons collected in the second measurement campaign of KATRIN in 2019. In addition, constraints on selected types of interactions are investigated, thereby exploring the potential of KATRIN to search for more specific new physics cases, including a right-handed W boson, a charged Higgs or leptoquarks.
KATRIN实验对氚的$\beta$衰变谱进行的精确测量为寻找一般中微子相互作用(GNI)提供了一种独特的方法。所有理论上允许的涉及中微子的GNI项都被纳入了低能有效场理论,并且可以通过测量到的氚$\beta$谱中的特定特征来识别。本文对GNI对$\beta$谱的影响进行了有效描述,并基于2019年KATRIN第二次测量活动中收集的400万电子,得出了对有效GNI参数的首次约束。此外,还研究了选定类型相互作用的约束条件,从而探索 KATRIN 在搜索更具体的新物理学案例(包括右旋 W 玻色子、带电希格斯粒子或轻夸克)方面的潜力。

12. Tensor Integrals in the Large-Scale Structureid:2410.13931:id在线阅读
Hayden Lee
We present a new method for evaluating tensor integrals in the large-scale structure. Decomposing a $\Lambda$CDM-like universe into a finite sum of scaling universes using the FFTLog, we can recast loop integrals for biased tracers in the large-scale structure as certain tensor integrals in quantum field theory. While rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken by the fixed reference frame in which biased tracers are observed, the tensor structures can still be organized to respect the underlying symmetry. Projecting the loop integrands for scaling universes onto spherical harmonics, the problem effectively reduces to the evaluation of one-dimensional radial integrals, which can be solved analytically. Using this method, we derive analytic expressions for the one-loop power spectrum, bispectrum, and trispectrum for arbitrary multipole moments in the basis of scaling universes.

13. A Comprehensive Analysis of Insight-HXMT Gamma-Ray Burst Data. I. Power Density Spectrumid:2410.14119:id在线阅读
Zi-Min Zhou, Xiang-Gao Wang, En-Wei Liang, Jia-Xin Cao, Hui-Ya Liu, Cheng-Kui Li, Bing Li, Da-Bin Lin, Tian-Ci Zheng, Rui-Jing Lu
Power Density Spectrum (PDS) is one of the powerful tools to study light curves of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We show the average PDS and individual PDS analysis with {\it Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope} (also named \insighthxmt) GRBs data. The values of power-law index of average PDS ($\alpha_{\bar{P}}$) for long GRBs (LGRBs) vary from 1.58-1.29 (for 100-245, 245-600, and 600-2000 keV). The \insighthxmt\ data allow us to extend the energy of the LGRBs up to 2000 keV, and a relation between $\alpha_{\bar{P}}$ and energy $E$, $\alpha_{\bar{P}}\propto E^{-0.09}$ (8-2000 keV) is obtained. We first systematically investigate the average PDS and individual PDS for short GRBs (SGRBs), and obtain $\alpha_{\bar{P}}\propto E^{-0.07}$ (8-1000 keV), where the values of $\alpha_{\bar{P}}$ vary from 1.86 to 1.34. The distribution of power-law index of individual PDS ($\alpha$) of SGRB, is consistent with that of LGRB, and the $\alpha$ value for the dominant timescale group (the bent power-law, BPL) is higher than that for the no-dominant timescale group (the single power-law, PL). Both LGRBs and SGRBs show similar $\alpha$ and $\alpha_{\bar{P}}$, which indicates that they may be the result of similar stochastic processes. The typical value of dominant timescale $\tau$ for LGRBs and SGRBs is 1.58 s and 0.02 s, respectively. It seems that the $\tau$ in proportion to the duration of GRBs $T_{90}$, with a relation $\tau \propto T_{90}^{0.86}$. The GRB light curve may result from superposing a number of pulses with different timescales. No periodic and quasi-periodical signal above the 3$\sigma$ significance threshold is found in our sample.
功率密度谱(PDS)是研究伽马射线暴(GRBs)光曲线的有力工具之一。我们用{\it Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope}(又名\insighthxmt)的GRB数据展示了平均PDS和单个PDS分析。长GRB平均PDS的幂律指数($\alpha_{/\bar{P}}$)在1.58-1.29之间(100-245、245-600和600-2000 keV)。insighthxmt数据允许我们将LGRB的能量扩展到2000 keV,并得到了$\alpha_{bar{P}}$和能量$E$之间的关系,$\alpha_{bar{P}}\propto E^{-0.09}$ (8-2000 keV)。我们首先系统地研究了短GRB(SGRB)的平均PDS和单个PDS,得到了$\alpha_{bar{P}}\propto E^{-0.07}$ (8-1000 keV),其中$\alpha_{bar{P}}$ 的值从1.86到1.34不等。SGRB的单个PDS的幂律指数($\alpha$)的分布与LGRB的一致,优势时标组(弯曲幂律,BPL)的$\alpha$值高于非优势时标组(单幂律,PL)的$\alpha$值。LGRB和SGRB都显示出相似的$\alpha$和$\alpha_\{bar{P}}$,这表明它们可能是相似的随机过程的结果。LGRB和SGRB的主导时间尺度$\tau$的典型值分别为1.58秒和0.02秒。看来$\tau$与GRB的持续时间$T_{90}$成正比,关系为$\tau \propto T_{90}^{0.86}$。GRB光变曲线可能是由多个不同时间尺度的脉冲叠加而成的。在我们的样本中没有发现超过 3$\sigma$ 显著性阈值的周期和准周期信号。

14. Structure of nuclei in dileptons production in proton-nucleus scatteringid:2410.14162:id在线阅读
Sergei P. Maydanyuk (1,2,3), Gyorgy Wolf (2) ((1) Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China, (2) Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, (3) Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)
We investigate production of electron-positron pairs (dileptons) in the scattering of protons off nuclei. Focus is directed on clarifying role of nuclear interactions which make basis in mechanisms of scattering process and structure of nuclei. For that, we constructed a new model of production of dileptons, where scattering of nuclei and their structure are described on the basis of quantum mechanics. Cross sections of dilepton production are calculated in the scattering of protons on \isotope[9]{B} at energy of proton beam of 2.1~GeV. Tendency of the calculated full spectrum is in good agreement with experimental data of DLS Collaboration. Contribution of incoherent processes has a leading role in production of dileptons in comparison with coherent one. In our model calculated cross section of dileptons is sensitive to nuclear part of potential of interactions between proton and nucleus in scattering. Influence of structure of nucleus on calculations of cross sections of production of dileptons is essential. This result provides save basis for new opportunity to extract new information about structure of nuclei, nuclear part of potential from experimental data of dileptons at studied energies of proton beam.
我们研究质子从原子核散射时产生的电子-正电子对(二重子)。重点是阐明核相互作用的作用,它是散射过程机制和原子核结构的基础。为此,我们构建了一个新的二价子产生模型,该模型以量子力学为基础描述了原子核的散射及其结构。在质子束能量为 2.1~GeV 时,计算了质子对 \isotope[9]{B} 的散射中产生二价子的截面。计算出的全谱倾向与 DLS 协作的实验数据十分吻合。与相干过程相比,非相干过程在二重子的产生中起着主导作用。在我们的模型中,二价子的计算截面对质子和原子核在散射中的相互作用的核部分势能很敏感。原子核结构对二价子产生截面计算的影响是至关重要的。这一结果为从质子束研究能量下的二价子实验数据中提取有关原子核结构、核部分势能的新信息提供了新的基础。

15. Quantum-annealing-inspired algorithms for multijet clusteringid:2410.14233:id在线阅读
Hideki Okawa, Xian-Zhe Tao, Qing-Guo Zeng, Man-Hong Yung
Jet clustering or reconstruction, a procedure to identify sprays of collimated particles originating from the fragmentation and hadronization of quarks and gluons, is a key component at high energy colliders. It is a complicated combinatorial optimization problem and requires intensive computing resources. In this study, we formulate jet reconstruction as a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem and introduce novel quantum-annealing-inspired algorithms for clustering multiple jets in electron-positron collision events. One of these quantum-annealing-inspired algorithms, ballistic simulated bifurcation, overcomes problems previously observed in multijet clustering with quantum-annealing approaches. We find that both the distance defined in the QUBO matrix as well as the prediction power of the QUBO solvers have crucial impacts on the multijet clustering performance. This study opens up a new approach to globally reconstruct multijet beyond dijet in one-go, in contrast to the traditional iterative method.
喷流聚类或重建是识别源自夸克和胶子的碎裂和强子化的准直粒子喷流的一种程序,是高能对撞机的一个关键组成部分。这是一个复杂的组合优化问题,需要密集的计算资源。在这项研究中,我们将射流重建表述为一个二次无约束二元优化(QUBO)问题,并引入了新颖的量子退火启发算法,用于在电子-正电子碰撞事件中对多个射流进行聚类。受量子退火启发的算法之一--弹道模拟分岔--克服了之前在量子退火方法中观察到的多喷流聚类问题。我们发现,QUBO 矩阵中定义的距离以及 QUBO 求解器的预测能力对多射流聚类性能都有至关重要的影响。与传统的迭代法相比,这项研究开辟了一种一次性全局重构多射流超越二射流的新方法。

16. Efficient charge-preserving excited state preparation with variational quantum algorithmsid:2410.14357:id在线阅读
Zohim Chandani, Kazuki Ikeda, Zhong-Bo Kang, Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Alexander McCaskey, Andrea Palermo, C.R. Ramakrishnan, Pooja Rao, Ranjani G. Sundaram, Kwangmin Yu
Determining the spectrum and wave functions of excited states of a system is crucial in quantum physics and chemistry. Low-depth quantum algorithms, such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and its variants, can be used to determine the ground-state energy. However, current approaches to computing excited states require numerous controlled unitaries, making the application of the original Variational Quantum Deflation (VQD) algorithm to problems in chemistry or physics suboptimal. In this study, we introduce a charge-preserving VQD (CPVQD) algorithm, designed to incorporate symmetry and the corresponding conserved charge into the VQD framework. This results in dimension reduction, significantly enhancing the efficiency of excited-state computations. We present benchmark results with GPU-accelerated simulations using systems up to 24 qubits, showcasing applications in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and quantum chemistry. This work is performed on NERSC's Perlmutter system using NVIDIA's open-source platform for accelerated quantum supercomputing - CUDA-Q.
确定系统激发态的频谱和波函数在量子物理和化学中至关重要。低深度量子算法,如变分量子求解器(VQE)及其变体,可用于确定基态能量。然而,目前计算激发态的方法需要大量受控单元,这使得原始的变分量子放缩(VQD)算法在化学或物理问题上的应用并不理想。在本研究中,我们引入了电荷守恒 VQD(CPVQD)算法,旨在将对称性和相应的守恒电荷纳入 VQD 框架。这就减少了维数,大大提高了激发态计算的效率。我们展示了使用多达 24 量子位的系统进行 GPU 加速模拟的基准结果,展示了在高能物理、核物理和量子化学中的应用。这项工作是在 NERSC'Perlmutter 系统上使用英伟达公司的开源量子超级计算加速平台 CUDA-Q 完成的。

17. Black Holes Inside and Out 2024: visions for the future of black hole physicsid:2410.14414:id在线阅读
Niayesh Afshordi, Abhay Ashtekar, Enrico Barausse, Emanuele Berti, Richard Brito, Luca Buoninfante, Raúl Carballo-Rubio, Vitor Cardoso, Gregorio Carullo, Mihalis Dafermos, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Adrian del Rio, Francesco Di Filippo, Astrid Eichhorn, Roberto Emparan, Ruth Gregory, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Jutta Kunz, Luis Lehner, Stefano Liberati, Samir D. Mathur, Samaya Nissanke, Paolo Pani, Alessia Platania, Frans Pretorius, Misao Sasaki, Paul Tiede, William Unruh, Matt Visser, Robert M. Wald
The gravitational physics landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by our ability to study strong-field regions, in particular black holes. Black Holes Inside and Out gathered world experts to discuss the status of the field and prospects ahead. We hope that the ideas and perspectives are a source of inspiration. Structure:
Black Hole Evaporation - 50 Years by William Unruh
The Stability Problem for Extremal Black Holes by Mihalis Dafermos
The Entropy of Black Holes by Robert M. Wald
The Non-linear Regime of Gravity by Luis Lehner
Black Holes Galore in D > 4 by Roberto Emparan
Same as Ever: Looking for (In)variants in the Black Holes Landscape by Carlos A. R. Herdeiro
Black Holes, Cauchy Horizons, and Mass Inflation by Matt Visser
The Backreaction Problem for Black Holes in Semiclassical Gravity by Adrian del Rio
Black Holes Beyond General Relativity by Enrico Barausse and Jutta Kunz
Black Holes as Laboratories: Searching for Ultralight Fields by Richard Brito
Primordial Black Holes from Inflation by Misao Sasaki
Tests of General Relativity with Future Detectors by Emanuele Berti
Black Holes as Laboratories: Tests of General Relativity by Ruth Gregory and Samaya Nissanke
Simulating Black Hole Imposters by Frans Pretorius
Black Hole Spectroscopy: Status Report by Gregorio Carullo
VLBI as a Precision Strong Gravity Instrument by Paul Tiede
Testing the nature of compact objects and the black hole paradigm by Mariafelicia De Laurentis and Paolo Pani
Some Thoughts about Black Holes in Asymptotic Safety by Alessia Platania
Black Hole Evaporation in Loop Quantum Gravity by Abhay Ashtekar
How the Black Hole Puzzles are Resolved in String Theory by Samir D. Mathur
Quantum Black Holes: From Regularization to Information Paradoxes by Niayesh Afshordi and Stefano Liberati

18. Constrains on dark matter cross section with standard model particles from the orbital period decay of binary pulsarsid:2410.14559:id在线阅读
Gonzalo Agustin Lucero, Argelia Bernal, Juan Barranco, Andres Aceña
It is shown that the data from the orbital period decay of binary pulsars give strong constraints on the dark matter-nucleons cross section. The limits are robust and competitive because this new method for testing dark matter interactions with standard model particles has a minimal number of assumptions combined with the extremely high accuracy on the measurement of the decay rate of the orbital period of binary systems. Our results exclude (with 95% confidence) spin independent interactions with cross sections greater that 3.1x10-31 cm2 for a dark matter particle with mass mc2 = 1 keV and 3.7x10-31 cm2 for mc2= 1 TeV which improves by several orders of magnitude previous constraints.
研究表明,来自双脉冲星轨道周期衰变的数据对暗物质-核子截面给出了强有力的约束。由于这种测试暗物质与标准模型粒子相互作用的新方法假设条件极少,而且双星系统轨道周期衰变率的测量精度极高,因此限制条件是稳健而有竞争力的。我们的结果排除了(95%置信度下)质量为 mc2 = 1 keV 的暗物质粒子与自旋无关的相互作用,其截面大于 3.1x10-31 cm2;排除了质量为 mc2= 1 TeV 的暗物质粒子与自旋无关的相互作用,其截面大于 3.7x10-31 cm2。

19. Chiral gauge theories, generalized anomalies and breaking of the color-flavor-locked center symmetryid:2410.14598:id在线阅读
Stefano Bolognesi, Kenichi Konishi, Andrea Luzio, Matteo Orso
We study the strong-interaction dynamics of a class of $4D$ chiral $SU(N)$ gauge theories with a fermion in a symmetric second-rank tensor representation and a number of fermions in an anti-antisymmetric tensor representation, extending the previous work on chiral gauge theories such as the Bars-Yankielowicz and the generalized Georgi-Glashow models. The main tool of our analysis is the anomalies obstructing the gauging of certain 1-form color-flavor-locked center symmetry, together with some flavor symmetries. The matching requirement for these mixed-anomalies strongly favors dynamical Higgs phases caused by bifermion condensate formation, against a confinement phase with no condensates and no symmetry breaking, or a confinement phase with multifermion color-singlet condensates only. Dynamical gauge symmetry breaking and the spontaneous breaking of a $U(1)$ symmetry caused by such condensates mean that the color-flavor-locked 1-form center symmetry itself is lost in the infrared. One is led to a solution, if not unique, which satisfies fully the conventional as well as the new, generalized 't Hooft anomaly matching requirements.
我们研究了一类$4D$手性$SU(N)$规理论的强相互作用动力学,其中有一个费米子处于对称的二阶张量表示中,还有一些费米子处于反不对称张量表示中,这扩展了之前关于巴尔-扬基洛维奇和广义格奥尔基-格拉索模型等手性规理论的工作。我们分析的主要工具是阻碍对某些一式色味锁定中心对称以及一些味对称性进行测量的反常现象。这些混合反常现象的匹配要求强烈倾向于由双精子凝聚态形成的动态希格斯相,而不是没有凝聚态和对称性破缺的禁锢相,或者只有多精子颜色-小卫星凝聚态的禁锢相。由这种凝聚态引起的动态规对称性破缺和$U(1)$对称性的自发破缺,意味着色香锁定的1-形式中心对称本身在红外会丢失。我们会找到一种解(如果不是唯一的),它完全满足传统的以及新的、广义的 't Hooft 异常匹配要求。

20. Enhanced Four-Body Decays of Charged Higgs Bosons into Off-Shell Pseudoscalar Higgs and $W^\pm$ Boson Pairs in a Lepton-Specific 2-Higgs Doublet Modelid:2304.12627:id在线阅读
Stefano Moretti, Muyuan Song
We study the time-honoured decay $H^\pm\to A W^\pm$ but for the first time, we do so for the case of both $A$ and $W^\pm$ being off-shell, therefore computing a $1\to 4$ body decay. We show that the corresponding decay rate not only extends the reach of $H^\pm$ searches to small masses of the latter but also that the results of our implementation differ significantly from the yield of the $1\to3$ body decay over the phase space region in which the latter is normally used. We show the phenomenological relevance of this implementation in the case of the so-called lepton-specific 2-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) over the mass region wherein the aforementioned $1\to 4$ body decay can dominate just beyond the top (anti)quark mass. This mass region is accessible in the lepton-specific 2HDM as the Yukawa couplings are such that limits from $b \to s \gamma$ and $\tau \to \mu \nu_{\tau} \bar{\nu_\mu}$ observables on $M_{H^\pm}$ are rather mild. However, we emphasise that similar effects may occur in other 2HDM types, as the $W^\pm H^\mp A$ vertex is 2HDM type independent.
我们研究了历史悠久的衰变$H^\pm\to A W^\pm$,但这是我们第一次对$A$和$W^\pm$都是离壳的情况进行研究,因此计算了1\to 4$体衰变。我们表明,相应的衰变率不仅将$H^\pm$搜索的范围扩展到了后者的小质量,而且我们的实现结果在通常使用后者的相空间区域内与$1\to3$体衰变的结果有很大不同。我们展示了在所谓的轻子特异性2-希格斯双重模型(2HDM)的质量区域内实施这种方法的现象学意义,在该质量区域内,上述1\to 4$体衰变可以在顶(反)夸克质量之外占主导地位。在轻子特定的2HDM中可以到达这个质量区域,因为尤卡娃耦合是这样的:$b \to s \gamma$ 和 $\tau \to \mu \nu_{\tau} \bar{\nu_\mu}$ 对$M_{H^\pm}$的观测值的限制是相当温和的。然而,我们要强调的是,类似的效应也可能发生在其他2HDM类型中,因为$W^\pm H^\mp A$ 顶点与2HDM类型无关。

21. Patchy Screening of the CMB from Dark Photonsid:2307.15124:id在线阅读
Dalila Pîrvu, Junwu Huang, Matthew C. Johnson
We study anisotropic (patchy) screening induced by the resonant conversion of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons into dark-sector massive vector bosons (dark photons) as they cross non-linear large scale structure (LSS). Resonant conversion takes place through the kinetic mixing of the photon with the dark photon, one of the simplest low energy extensions to the Standard Model. In the early Universe, resonant conversion can occur when the photon plasma mass, obtained as the photon propagates through the ionized interstellar and intergalactic media, matches the dark photon mass. After the epoch of reionization, resonant conversion occurs mainly in the ionized gas that occupies virialized dark matter halos, for a range of dark photon masses between $10^{-13} {\rm \; eV} \lesssim m_{\rm A^{\prime}} \lesssim 10^{-11} {\rm \; eV}$. This leads to new CMB anisotropies that are correlated with LSS, which we refer to as patchy dark screening, in analogy with anisotropies from Thomson screening. Its unique frequency dependence allows it to be distinguished from the blackbody CMB. In this paper, we use a halo model approach to predict the imprint of dark screening on the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies, as well as their correlation with LSS. We then examine the two- and three-point correlation functions of the dark-screened CMB, as well as correlation functions between CMB and LSS observables, to project the sensitivity of future measurements to the kinetic mixing parameter and dark photon mass. We demonstrate that an analysis with existing CMB data can improve upon current constraints on the kinetic mixing parameter by two orders of magnitude with the two-point correlation functions, while data from upcoming CMB experiments and LSS surveys can further improve the reach by another order of magnitude with two- and three-point correlation functions.
我们研究了宇宙微波背景(CMB)光子穿过非线性大尺度结构(LSS)时共振转换为暗部大质量矢量玻色子(暗光子)所引起的各向异性(斑块)屏蔽。共振转换是通过光子与暗光子的动能混合发生的,这是标准模型最简单的低能扩展之一。在早期宇宙中,当光子在电离星际和星系际介质中传播时获得的光子等离子体质量与暗光子质量相匹配时,就会发生共振转换。再电离纪之后,共振转换主要发生在占据病毒化暗物质晕的电离气体中,暗光子质量的范围在$10^{-13}{\rm \; e} 之间。{rm \; eV}\lesssim m_{{rm A^{\prime}\lesssim 10^{-11} {\rm \; eV}$。这就导致了与LSS相关的新的CMB各向异性,我们将其称为斑块暗屏蔽,类似于汤姆逊屏蔽的各向异性。它独特的频率依赖性使其能够与黑体 CMB 区分开来。在本文中,我们使用光环模型方法来预测暗屏蔽对 CMB 温度和偏振各向异性的影响,以及它们与 LSS 的相关性。然后,我们研究了暗屏蔽 CMB 的两点和三点相关函数,以及 CMB 和 LSS 观测数据之间的相关函数,以预测未来测量对动力学混合参数和暗光子质量的敏感性。我们证明,利用现有的 CMB 数据进行分析,可以利用两点相关函数将目前对动力学混合参数的约束提高两个数量级,而即将进行的 CMB 实验和 LSS 勘测数据则可以利用两点和三点相关函数将约束进一步提高一个数量级。

22. Prospects for Light Dark Matter Searches at Large-Volume Neutrino Detectorsid:2402.04184:id在线阅读
Bhaskar Dutta, Wei-Chih Huang, Doojin Kim, Jayden L. Newstead, Jong-Chul Park, Iman Shaukat Ali
We propose a new approach to search for light dark matter (DM), with keV-GeV mass, via inelastic nucleus scattering at large-volume neutrino detectors such as Borexino, DUNE, Super-K, Hyper-K, and JUNO. The approach uses inelastic nuclear scattering of cosmic-ray boosted DM, enabling a low background search for DM in these experiments. Large neutrino detectors, with higher thresholds than dark matter detectors, can be used, since the nuclear deexcitation lines are O(10) MeV. Using a hadrophilic dark-gauge-boson-portal model as a benchmark, we show that the nuclear inelastic channels generally provide better sensitivity than the elastic scattering for a large region of light DM parameter space.
我们提出了一种新方法,通过大容量中微子探测器(如 Borexino、DUNE、Super-K、Hyper-K 和 JUNO)的非弹性核散射来搜索质量为 keV-GeV 的轻暗物质(DM)。这种方法利用宇宙射线助推DM的非弹性核散射,从而能够在这些实验中对DM进行低背景搜索。由于核激发线为 O(10) MeV,因此可以使用阈值比暗物质探测器高的大型中微子探测器。我们以一个嗜碱性暗门-玻色子-门户模型为基准,证明在很大的轻DM参数空间区域内,核非弹性通道通常比弹性散射提供更好的灵敏度。

23. T-odd Parton Distribution Functions and Azimuthal Anisotropy at High Transverse Momentum in $p$-$p$ and $p$-$A$ Collisionsid:2404.05287:id在线阅读
Ismail Soudi, Abhijit Majumder
Various azimuthal anisotropies ($v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4$), at high transverse momentum (high-$p_T$), are shown to arise from the asymmetric scattering of transverse polarized quarks and gluons, arising from unpolarized nucleons (the Boer-Mulders' effect) and resulting in unpolarized hadrons (the Collins effect). Combined with the asymmetric scattering of partons from polarization independent but transverse momentum dependent (TMD) distributions, we obtain a possible mechanism to understand the azimuthal anisotropy of hadrons at large transverse momentum observed in $p$-$p$ collisions. Constraining the ratio of polarization dependent TMD distributions to polarization independent distributions by comparing with the data from $p$-$p$ collisions, we find that a simple $A^{1/3}$ enhancement of the intrinsic transverse momentum $(k_\perp^2)$ distribution, of the initial state partons from the proton, straightforwardly yields the azimuthal anisotropy at high $p_T$ in $p$-$A$ collisions.
在高横向动量(高p_T$)下的各种方位各向异性($v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4$)被证明是由横向极化夸克和胶子的非对称散射引起的,这些非对称散射产生于非极化核子(布尔-穆尔德斯效应),并导致非极化强子(柯林斯效应)。结合与极化无关但与横动量有关(TMD)的粒子非对称散射,我们获得了一种可能的机制,用以理解在$p$-$p$对撞中观测到的大横动量下强子的方位各向异性。通过与来自$p$-$p$对撞的数据进行比较,我们发现,质子初始态粒子的内在横动量$(k_\perp^2)$分布的简单$A^{1/3}$增强直接产生了$p$-$A$对撞中高$p_T$处的方位各向异性。

24. Modular Invariant Slow Roll Inflationid:2405.06497:id在线阅读
Gui-Jun Ding, Si-Yi Jiang, Wenbin Zhao
We propose new classes of inflation models based on the modular symmetry, where the modulus field $\tau$ serves as the inflaton. We establish a connection between modular inflation and modular stabilization, wherein the modulus field rolls towards a fixed point along the boundary of the fundamental domain. We find the modular symmetry strongly constrain the possible shape of the potential and identify some parameter space where the inflation predictions agree with cosmic microwave background observations. The tensor-to-scalar ratio is predicted to be smaller than $10^{-6}$ in our models, while the running of spectral index is of the order of $10^{-4}$.

25. QCD Axion Strings or Seeds?id:2405.08060:id在线阅读
Simone Blasi, Alberto Mariotti
We study the impact of QCD axion strings in the cosmological history of electroweak (EW) symmetry breaking, focussing on the minimal KSVZ axion model. We consider the case of the pure SM Higgs potential as well as a simple scenario with a first order EW phase transition. We capture the effect of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) sector within an effective-theory approach for the Higgs field, where the axion string core and the heavy PQ states are integrated out. The relevant parameters in this effective theory are controlled by the size of the portal coupling between the Higgs and the PQ scalar, and the mass of the PQ radial excitation. We determine the range of portal couplings for which the axion strings can strongly affect the dynamics of EW symmetry breaking. In the case of a first order EW phase transition, the strings can act as seeds by either catalyzing the nucleation of (non-spherical) bubbles, or leading to the completion of the phase transition by triggering a classical instability.
我们研究了 QCD 轴子弦在电弱(EW)对称破缺的宇宙学历史中的影响,重点是最小 KSVZ 轴子模型。我们考虑了纯 SM 希格斯势以及具有一阶 EW 相变的简单情形。我们在希格斯场的有效理论方法中捕捉到了佩奇-奎恩(PQ)部门的效应,其中轴子弦核和重型 PQ 状态被整合出来。这种有效理论的相关参数由希格斯与 PQ 标量之间的入口耦合大小以及 PQ 径向激发的质量控制。我们确定了轴子弦能够强烈影响 EW 对称破缺动力学的入口耦合范围。在一阶 EW 相变的情况下,弦可以作为种子催化(非球形)气泡的成核,或者通过引发经典不稳定性导致相变的完成。

26. Study of Neutrino Phenomenology and $0\nu\beta\beta$ Decay using Polyharmonic $Maa\beta$ Formsid:2405.10586:id在线阅读
Bhabana Kumar, Mrinal Kumar Das
In this study, we explore the application of the $\Gamma_{3}$ modular group, which is isomorphic to the $A_{4}$ symmetric group in developing a model for neutrino mass. We realized a non-supersymmetric left-right asymmetric model incorporating modular symmetry, where the modular forms consist of both holomorphic and non-holomorphic components and the Yukawa couplings expressed through polyharmonic $Maa\beta$ forms. To effectively implement the extended see-saw process in this model, we introduce one fermion singlet for each generation. We compute the effective mass and the associated half-life of $0\nu\beta\beta$ by accounting for both standard and non-standard contributions. Additionally, our study investigates the non-unitary effects and CP-violation arising from non-unitarity in this context. The model predicts values for the sum of neutrino masses and neutrino oscillation parameters are constraints with experiments. Furthermore, it yields satisfactory results in calculating the effective mass and half-life of $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay. These findings highlight the possibility and benefit of employing modular symmetry in neutrino mass model construction.

27. Fully charmed tetraquarks from LHC to FCC: Natural stability from fragmentationid:2405.14773:id在线阅读
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto, Gabriele Gatto, Alessandro papa
We investigate the inclusive production of fully charmed tetraquarks, $T_{4c}(0^{++})$ or $T_{4c}(2^{++})$ radial excitations, in high-energy proton collisions. We build our study upon the collinear fragmentation of a single parton in a variable-flavor number scheme, suited to describe the tetraquark formation mechanism from moderate to large transverse-momentum regimes. To this extent, we derive a novel set of DGLAP-evolving collinear fragmentation functions, named TQ4Q1.0 determinations. They encode initial-scale inputs corresponding to both gluon and heavy-quark fragmentation channels, defined within the context of quark-potential and spin-physics inspired models, respectively. We work within the NLL/NLO$^+$ hybrid factorization and make use of the JETHAD numeric interface along with the symJETHAD symbolic calculation plugin. With these tools, we provide predictions for high-energy observables sensitive to $T_{4c}$ plus jet emissions at center-of-mass energies ranging from 14 TeV at the LHC to the 100 TeV nominal energy of the FCC.
我们研究了高能质子对撞中全粲四夸克--$T_{4c}(0^{++})$或$T_{4c}(2^{++})$径向激发--的包容性产生。我们的研究建立在变味数方案中的单个粒子对撞碎裂的基础上,适合于描述从中等横向动量到大横向动量的四夸克形成机制。为此,我们推导出一组新颖的 DGLAP 演变碰撞碎片函数,命名为 TQ4Q1.0 确定值。它们编码了与胶子和重夸克碎片通道相对应的初始尺度输入,分别在夸克势和自旋物理学启发模型的背景下定义。我们在 NLL/NLO$^+$ 混合因式分解中工作,并利用 JETHAD 数值界面和 symJETHAD 符号计算插件。利用这些工具,我们提供了在从大型强子对撞机的 14 TeV 到 FCC 的 100 TeV 名义能量范围内,对 $T_{4c}$ 加射流发射的质量中心能量敏感的高能观测指标的预测。

28. Elaborating Higgs to dimuon decay from gluon fusion by decorrelation and jet substructureid:2406.11961:id在线阅读
Subin Han, Hyung Do Kim
Discovery of the Higgs boson decay to dimuon is anticipated soon based on the current evidence. Precise categorization of the events without affecting the invariant mass shape is crucial in the analysis. Decorrelation of the invariant mass and the output of discriminators (the score of discriminators) is essential for consistent and precise analysis. In this paper we use distance correlation as the additional loss function to achieve the decorrelation for discriminators and examine various analysis methods. The analyses with and without jet substructure variables are presented. Adding jet substructure variables considerably improves the significance of the Higgs to dimuon signal from gluon fusion.

29. Probing axion-like particles in leptonic decays of heavy mesonsid:2407.05298:id在线阅读
Gang Yang, Tianhong Wang, Guo-Li Wang
We study the possibility to find the axion-like particles (ALPs) through the leptonic decays of heavy mesons. There are some deviations between the Standard Model (SM) predictions of the branching ratios of the leptonic decays of mesons and the experimental data. This provides some space for the existence of decay channels where the ALP is one of the products. Three scenarios are considered: first, the ALP is only coupled to one single charged fermion, namely, the quark, the antiquark, or the charged lepton; second, the ALP is only coupled to quark and antiquark with the same strength; third, the ALP is coupled to all the charged fermions with the same strength. The constraints of the coupling strength in different scenarios are obtained by comparing the experimental data of the branching ratios of leptonic decays of $B^-$, $D^+$, and $D_s^+$ mesons with the theoretical predictions which are achieved by using the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) method. These constraints are further applied to predict the upper limits of the leptonic decay processes of the $B_c^-$ meson in which the ALP participates.
我们研究了通过重介子的轻子衰变找到类轴子粒子(ALPs)的可能性。标准模型(SM)对介子轻子衰变分支比的预测与实验数据之间存在一些偏差。这为ALP是衰变产物之一的衰变通道的存在提供了一定的空间。我们考虑了三种情况:第一,ALP 只与一种带电费米子(即夸克、反夸克或带电轻子)耦合;第二,ALP 只与夸克和反夸克以相同的强度耦合;第三,ALP 与所有带电费米子以相同的强度耦合。通过比较 $B^-$、$D^+$ 和 $D_s^+$ 介子的轻子衰变分支比的实验数据与贝特-萨尔佩特(BS)方法的理论预测,获得了不同情况下耦合强度的约束。这些约束被进一步应用于预测 ALP 参与的 $B_c^-$ 介子的轻子衰变过程的上限。

30. Revisiting for maximal flavor violating $Z^{'}_{e\mu}$ and its phenomenology constraintsid:2407.05831:id在线阅读
Jia Liu, Muyuan Song, Haohao Zhang
Lepton flavor violation (LFV), observed conclusively in neutrino oscillations, remains a pivotal area of investigation due to its absence in the Standard Model (SM). Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics explores charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV), particularly through new particle candidates such as the $Z'$. This article focuses on maximal LFV interactions facilitated by the $Z'$ boson, specifically targeting its off-diagonal interactions with the first and second generations of charged and neutral leptons. In our ultraviolet (UV) model for the origin of the $Z'$, inspired by the work of [this http URL \textit{et al.,}, this http URL. D50 (1994) 4571-4580], we utilize the discrete $Z_2$ symmetry to investigate the maximal LFV mediated by the $Z'$ between the muon ($\mu$) and electron ($e$) arising from the additional scalars. This symmetry prohibits flavor-conserving interactions between $Z'$ and $\mu^+\mu^-,\, e^+e^-$. In conjunction with collider, $(g-2)_{\mu}, (g-2)_e$, inverse $\mu$ decay, Muonium-to-Antimuonium conversion and LFV decay constraints, we provide forecasts for anticipated limits derived from processes such as $\nu_\mu N \to \nu_e \mu^+ e^- N$ in neutrino trident experiments like the DUNE search at the first time. These limits highlight the prospective scope and significance of LFV investigations within these experimental frameworks. Within the mass range of 0.01 GeV to 10 GeV, the most stringent limit arises from $\it{B} (\mu \to e + X + \gamma)$ when $M_{Z'} < m_\mu$, while $\Delta a_e$ provides effective constraints as $M_{Z'}$ approaches 10 GeV. Looking ahead, the proposed Muonium-to-Antimuonium Conversion Experiment (MACE) is expected to impose the most stringent constraints on Muonium-to-Antimuonium oscillation, improving sensitivity by about one order of magnitude against $\Delta a_e$.
在中微子振荡中确凿观测到的轻子味道违反(LFV),由于在标准模型(SM)中的缺失,仍然是一个关键的研究领域。超越标准模型(BSM)物理学探索带电轻子味道违反(CLFV),特别是通过新的候选粒子,如$Z'$。这篇文章的重点是$Z'$玻色子促进的最大LFV相互作用,特别是它与第一代和第二代带电轻子和中性轻子的对角线外相互作用。在我们关于$Z'$起源的紫外线(UV)模型中,受到[this http URL \textit{et al.,}、this http URL.D50(1994)4571-4580],我们利用离散的$Z_2$对称性来研究由附加标量产生的μ子($\mu$)和电子($e$)之间的$Z'$介导的最大低频变构。这种对称性禁止了$Z'$与$\mu^+\mu^-,\, e^+e^-$之间的守味相互作用。结合对撞机、$(g-2)_{\mu}、(g-2)_e$、逆$\mu$衰变、Muonium-to-Antimuonium转换和LFV衰变约束,我们首次对中微子三叉戟实验(如DUNE搜索)中$\nu_\mu N \to \nu_e \mu^+ e^- N$等过程的预期极限进行了预测。这些限制凸显了在这些实验框架内进行低频中微子研究的前景和意义。在0.01 GeV到10 GeV的质量范围内,当$M_{Z'} < m_\mu$时,最严格的限制来自$\it{B} (\mu \to e + X + \gamma)$ ,而当$M_{Z'}$接近10 GeV时,$\Delta a_e$提供了有效的约束。展望未来,拟议中的μ鎓-锑转换实验(MACE)预计将对μ鎓-锑振荡施加最严格的约束,与$\Delta a_e$相比,灵敏度将提高约一个数量级。

31. On the Validity of Bounds on Light Axions for $f\lesssim10^{15}$ GeVid:2408.06408:id在线阅读
Martin Bauer, Sreemanti Chakraborti
Light bosonic dark matter fields that can be treated like a classical wave have non-linear field values close to massive bodies. Here we make the important observation that the quadratic interactions of axion dark matter lead to non-perturbative axion field values for values of the decay constant of $f\lesssim 10^{15}$ GeV and masses $m_a\lesssim 7\times10^{8}/f\ {\rm eV^2}$ and generalise this result for axion-like particles. We identify experimental observables impacted by this effect.
可以像经典波一样处理的轻玻色暗物质场在接近大质量体时具有非线性场值。在这里,我们发现了一个重要现象,即轴子暗物质的二次相互作用会导致衰变常数为 $f\lesssim 10^{15}$ GeV 和质量为 $m_a\lesssim 7\times10^{8}/f\ {\rm eV^2}$ 的非微扰轴子场值,并将这一结果推广到类轴子粒子上。我们确定了受这一效应影响的实验观测指标。

32. Axion Bounds from Quantum Technologyid:2408.06412:id在线阅读
Martin Bauer, Sreemanti Chakraborti, Guillaume Rostagni
A consistent treatment of the quantum field theory of an axion-like particle (ALP) interacting with Standard Model fields requires to account for renormalisation group running and matching to the low-energy theory. Quantum sensor experiments designed to search for very light ALPs are particularly sensitive to these effects because they probe large values of the decay constant for which running effects become important. In addition, while linear axion interactions are set by its pseudoscalar nature, quadratic interactions are indistinguishable from scalar interactions. We show how the Wilson coefficients of linear and quadratic ALP interactions are related, including running effects above and below the QCD scale and provide a comprehensive analysis of the sensitivity of current and future experiments. We identify the reach of different experiments for the case of ALP dark matter and comment on how it could be distinguished from the case where it is not the dark matter. We present novel search strategies to observe quadratic ALP interactions via fifth force searches, haloscopes, helioscopes and quantum sensors. We emphasize the nonlinear behaviour of the ALP field close to the surface of the earth and point out which experimental results are independent on the local background field value.
要对与标准模型场相互作用的类轴子粒子(ALP)的量子场论进行一致的处理,就必须考虑重正化群的运行和与低能理论的匹配。量子传感器实验旨在寻找非常轻的类轴子粒子,对这些效应特别敏感,因为它们探测的是衰变常数的大值,而在衰变常数的大值中,运行效应变得非常重要。此外,线性轴子相互作用是由其伪标量性质决定的,而二次相互作用则与标量相互作用没有区别。我们展示了线性和二次ALP相互作用的威尔逊系数之间的关系,包括QCD尺度上下的运行效应,并对当前和未来实验的灵敏度进行了全面分析。我们确定了 ALP 暗物质情况下不同实验的覆盖范围,并评论了如何将其与非暗物质的情况区分开来。我们介绍了通过第五力搜索、半光镜、日光镜和量子传感器观测二次 ALP 相互作用的新型搜索策略。我们强调接近地球表面的 ALP 场的非线性行为,并指出哪些实验结果与当地背景场值无关。

33. Spin Alignment of Vector Mesons Induced by Local Spin Density Fluctuationsid:2408.06581:id在线阅读
Kun Xu, Mei Huang
We propose a novel mechanism that the spin alignment of vector meson $\phi$ and $K^{*0}$ in most central heavy ion collisions is induced by intrinsic QCD dynamics without external vortical/ magnetic fields. The local spin density fluctuation of quarks due to the axial-vector and tensor interactions between quarks can induce the spin alignments of vector meson. It is found that axial-vector interaction results in $\rho_{00}<1/3$ for the spin alignment of $\phi$ meson, while tensor interaction results in $\rho_{00}>1/3$. We argue that the spin alignment of $K^{*0}$ due to the spin density fluctuation from flavor-mixing would be a signature or hint of instanton.
我们提出了一种新的机制,即在大多数中心重离子对撞中,矢量介子$\phi$和$K^{*0}$的自旋排列是由内在的QCD动力学诱导的,而不需要外部的涡旋/磁场。夸克之间的轴向矢量和张量相互作用引起的夸克局部自旋密度波动可以诱导矢量介子的自旋排列。研究发现,轴向矢量相互作用会导致 $\phi$ 介子的自旋排列为 $\rho_{00}<1/3$,而张量相互作用会导致 $\rho_{00}>1/3$。我们认为,由于味道混合产生的自旋密度波动而导致的 $K^{*0}$ 的自旋排列将是瞬子的一个特征或暗示。

34. Displaced vertex signals of low temperature baryogenesisid:2410.00957:id在线阅读
Pedro Bittar, Gustavo Burdman
We explore the connection of baryogenesis at temperatures below the electroweak scale and signals for long-lived particles at the LHC. The model features new SM singlets, with a long-lived fermion decaying to quarks to generate the baryon asymmetry. The model avoids strong flavor physics bounds while predicting a rich diquark phenomenology, monojet signals, and displaced vertices. We show how the displaced vertex signals can be probed at the HL-LHC. The large transverse production makes a strong physics case for constructing far detector experiments such as MATHUSLA, ANUBIS, and CODEX-b, complementary to the central and forward long-lived particle program.
我们探索了在低于电弱尺度的温度下重子发生与大型强子对撞机上长寿命粒子信号之间的联系。该模型以新的 SM 单子为特征,其中一个长寿命费米子衰变为夸克,从而产生重子不对称。该模型避免了强味道物理约束,同时预测了丰富的二夸克现象、单射流信号和位移顶点。我们展示了如何在 HL-LHC 上探测位移顶点信号。大量的横向产生为构建远探测器实验(如 MATHUSLA、ANUBIS 和 CODEX-b)提供了强有力的物理学依据,是对中央和前向长寿命粒子计划的补充。

35. Spontaneous breaking of baryon number, baryogenesis and the bajoronid:2410.00964:id在线阅读
Pedro Bittar, Gustavo Burdman, Gabriel M. Salla
We explore the spontaneous breaking of global baryon number for baryogenesis. We introduce a model with three majorana fermions and a complex scalar carrying baryon number charge. After symmetry breaking, the baryon asymmetry is generated below the electroweak scale via the decays of one of the majorana fermions. The main focus of the paper is the phenomenology of the Nambu--Goldstone boson of $U(1)_B$, which we call the bajoron. With small sources of explicit baryon number violation, the bajoron acquires a small mass and is generally very long-lived. The model avoids proton decay, satisfies cosmological constraints, and offers interesting collider phenomenology for the Large Hadron Collider. These long-lived particles tied to baryogenesis strongly support the development of far-detector experiments such as MATHUSLA, FASER, SHiP, and others.
我们探讨了重子发生时全局重子数的自发破缺。我们引入了一个包含三个大重子费米子和一个携带重子数电荷的复标量的模型。对称性破缺后,重子不对称通过其中一个大纳费米子的衰变在电弱尺度以下产生。本文的主要焦点是$U(1)_B$的南布--戈德斯通玻色子的现象学,我们称之为巴约子。由于存在明确的重子数违反的小来源,巴约子获得的质量很小,而且通常寿命很长。该模型避免了质子衰变,满足了宇宙学约束,并为大型强子对撞机提供了有趣的对撞机现象学。这些与重子发生相关的长寿命粒子为 MATHUSLA、FASER、SHiP 等远探测器实验的发展提供了有力支持。

36. Superconducting strings in the two-Higgs doublet modelid:2410.03300:id在线阅读
Richard Battye, Steven Cotterill
We present superconducting vortex solutions in the two-Higgs doublet model which has a gauged $U(1)$ Higgs-family symmetry. We write down an ansatz for the solution and study its basic properties, for the case of both global and gauged symmetries. We demonstrate its prima-facie stability using 3D numerical simulations of a global version of the theory, observing the flow of current along the string. We discuss how generic such a phenomena might be and the possible consequences if such a model is found in nature.

37. Bulk-local dS$_3$ holography: the Matter with $T\bar T+\Lambda_2$id:2403.01040:id在线阅读
Gauri Batra, G. Bruno De Luca, Eva Silverstein, Gonzalo Torroba, Sungyeon Yang
We propose an algorithm which builds a concrete dual for large-radius 3d de Sitter with a timelike York boundary for both gravity and bulk effective fields. This generalizes the solvable $T\bar T+\Lambda_2$ deformation, whose finite real spectrum accounts for the refined Gibbons-Hawking entropy as a microstate count while reproducing the radial static patch geometry. The required generalization to produce approximately local boundary conditions for bulk quantum fields requires a scheme for defining double-trace operators dual to deformed boundary conditions to realize the finite timelike boundary, valid at finite N. By starting with a small stint of a pure $T\bar T$ trajectory, the theory becomes finite, enabling well-defined subtractions to define the double-trace deformation so as to match the large-N prescription of Hartman, Kruthoff, Shaghoulian, and Tajdini to good approximation. We incorporate the matter effecting an uplift from negative to positive cosmological constant, and analyze the effect of matter on the energy spectrum of the theory arising from time-dependent bulk excitations. This validates the cosmic horizon $dS_3$ microstate count for large-radius $dS_3$ holography, embedding $T\bar T+\Lambda_2$ concretely into a larger theory consistent with bulk locality for matter fields. We comment briefly on potential upgrades to four dimensions and other future directions.
我们提出了一种算法,它为大半径3d德西特建立了一个具体的对偶,其引力场和体有效场都有一个类时间约克边界。它将可求解的 $T\bar T+\Lambda_2$ 变形广义化了,其有限实谱将细化的吉本斯-霍金熵作为微态计数,同时再现了径向静态补丁几何。从纯 $T\bar T$ 轨迹的一小段开始,理论就变得有限了,从而可以用定义明确的减法来定义双踪变形,以便与哈特曼、克鲁托夫、沙古连和塔吉尼的大 N 处方很好地近似。我们纳入了影响宇宙常数从负上升到正的物质,并分析了物质对理论能谱的影响,这些能谱是由随时间变化的体激发引起的。这验证了大半径$dS_3$全息的宇宙地平线$dS_3$微态计数,将$T\bar T+\Lambda_2$具体嵌入到一个更大的理论中,与物质场的体定位相一致。我们简要评论了四维的潜在升级和其他未来方向。

38. Robust Constraints on the Physics of the MeV Emission Line in GRB 221009A from Optical Depth Argumentsid:2409.08485:id在线阅读
Shu-Xu Yi, Zhen Zhang, Emre Seyit Yorgancioglu, Shuang-Nan Zhang, Shao-Lin Xiong, Yan-Qiu Zhang
The brightest-of-all-time gamma-ray burst (GRB), GRB 221009A, is the first GRB observed to have emission line (up to 37 MeV) in its prompt emission spectra. It is naturally explained as \pair annihilation line that was Doppler boosted in the relativistic jet of the GRB. In this work, we repeatedly apply the simple optical depth argument to different physical processes necessary to produce an observable \pair annihilation line. This approach results in robust constraints on the physics of the line: We conclude that in GRB 221009A, the \pair pairs were produced at a radius greater than $4.3\times 10^{15}$\,cm from the central engine, and annihilated in a region between $1.4\times 10^{16}$\,cm and $4.3\times 10^{16}$\,cm. From these constraints, we established a self-consistent picture of \pair production, cooling, and annihilation. We also derived a criterion for pair production in the GRB prompt emission: $E_{\rm{iso}} \gtrsim3.3\times 10^{53} E_{\rm{peak},100} (1+z) R^2_{\rm{prod},16}~\text{erg}$. Using this criterion, we find tens of candidate GRBs that could have produced \pair in prompt emissions to annihilate. GRB 221009A is with the highest likelihood according to this criterion. We also predict the presence of a thermal radiation, with a time-evolving black body temperature, sweeping through soft X-ray during the prompt emission phase.
有史以来最亮的伽马射线暴(GRB)--GRB 221009A,是观测到的第一个在其快速发射光谱中具有发射线(高达37 MeV)的伽马射线暴。它被自然地解释为在GRB的相对论喷流中被多普勒增强了的(pair)湮灭线。在这项工作中,我们反复将简单的光学深度论证应用于产生可观测到的(对)湮灭线所需的不同物理过程。这种方法对湮灭线的物理过程产生了强有力的约束:我们的结论是,在GRB 221009A中,\pair对是在距离中心引擎大于4.3倍10^{15}$\,cm的半径处产生的,并在1.4倍10^{16}$\,cm到4.3倍10^{16}$\,cm之间的区域湮灭。根据这些约束条件,我们建立了一幅关于对的产生、冷却和湮灭的自洽图景。我们还推导出了在GRB瞬时发射中产生对的标准:$E_{\rm{iso}}.\gtrsim3.3 times 10^{53}E_{{rm{peak},100} (1+z) R^2_{\rm{prod},16}~\text{erg}$.利用这个标准,我们找到了数十个候选GRB,这些GRB可能产生了\pair的迅速发射湮灭。根据这一标准,GRB 221009A 的可能性最大。我们还预测,在迅速发射阶段,存在一种热辐射,其黑体温度随时间不断变化,席卷整个软X射线。

39. New insights into the analytic structure of correlation functions via kinetic theoryid:2409.09022:id在线阅读
Robbe Brants
The way a relativistic system approaches fluid dynamical behaviour can be understood physically through the signals that will contribute to its linear response to perturbations. What these signals are is captured in the analytic structure of the retarded correlation function. The non-analyticities can be grouped into three types based on their dimension in the complex frequency plane. In this paper, we will use kinetic theory to find how we can calculate their corresponding signals. In the most general case of a system with particles that have a continuum of thermalization rates, we find that a non-analytic region appears. To calculate its signal, we introduce the non-analytic area density that describes the properties of this region, and we construct a method to calculate it. Further, to take into account the ambiguity present in signal analysis, following from manipulations of the non-analyticities, we will identify two specific choices called pictures with interesting analytic properties and compare in what scenarios each picture is most useful.

40. Progress on the spectroscopy of lattice gauge theories using spectral densitiesid:2410.11386:id在线阅读
Ed Bennett, Luigi Del Debbio, Niccolò Forzano, Ryan C. Hill, Deog Ki Hong, Ho Hsiao, Jong-Wan Lee, C.-J. David Lin, Biagio Lucini, Alessandro Lupo, Maurizio Piai, Davide Vadacchino, Fabian Zierler
Spectral densities encode non-perturbative information crucial in computing physical observables in strongly coupled field theories. Using lattice gauge theory data, we perform a systematic study to demonstrate the potential of recent technological advances in the reconstruction of spectral densities. We develop, maintain and make publicly available dedicated analysis code that can be used for broad classes of lattice theories. As a test case, we analyse the Sp(4) gauge theory coupled to an admixture of fermions transforming in the fundamental and two-index antisymmetric representations. We measure the masses of mesons in energy-smeared spectral densities, after optimising the smearing parameters for available lattice ensembles. We present a summary of the mesons mass spectrum in all the twelve (flavored) channels available, including also several excited states.
谱密度编码的非微扰信息对计算强耦合场论中的物理观测值至关重要。利用格规理论数据,我们进行了一项系统研究,以展示近期技术进步在重建谱密度方面的潜力。我们开发、维护并公开了专用分析代码,可用于多种类型的格理论。作为一个测试案例,我们分析了与在基本和双指数反不对称表示中变换的费米子混合耦合的 Sp(4) 规规理论。我们在优化了可用晶格集合的涂抹参数之后,测量了介子在能量涂抹谱密度中的质量。我们总结了介子在所有十二种(调味)通道中的质量谱,其中还包括几种激发态。